Thumbnails in admin product lisitng as long as <21 items listed

Started by AH, July 12, 2013, 17:57:05 PM

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Great new feature for backend admin as long as you have less than 21 items showing!

<td align="center">
// We show the images only when less than 21 products are displayeed -->
if($this->pagination->limit<21 or $total<21){
// Product list should be ordered
$img '<span >('.$product->mediaitems.')</span>'.$product->images[0]->displayMediaThumb('class="vm_mini_image"',false );
//echo JHTML::_('link', $link, $img,  array('title' => JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_MEDIA_MANAGER').' '.$product->product_name));
} else {
//echo JHTML::_('link', $link, '<span class="icon-nofloat vmicon vmicon-16-media"></span> ('.$product->mediaitems.')', array('title' => JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_MEDIA_MANAGER').' '.$product->product_name) );
$img '<span class="icon-nofloat vmicon vmicon-16-media"></span> ('.$product->mediaitems.')';
echo JHTML::_('link'$link$img,  array('title' => JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_MEDIA_MANAGER').' '.$product->product_name));


Can we make this a config item ?

Setting mine to 500 - If I am in admin, I want to see the images, I am sure the server can take it!

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


It is not a question of the server, more a question of your browser.

Yeh we add a VmConfig::Get(blub stuff there. Someone added the images. I wanted first remove them, because I know some people would say it is absolutly bullshit. So my short solution was to use the 21. The less products you have (due filter) the more likely they are very similar the more use of images. :-)
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Well for one I vote a big YES to this great new feature!

It makes it so much easier to identify the items in the product admin.

How can there be "nay" sayers? (LOL)

For me it adds a much enriched backend view.  A big thumbs up.


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


not everybody has an own powerful root server or something like that. I agree, that it would be a nice idea to make it configurable, but there should be a fixed default configuration and a warning in that configuration field which should say: Warning!




Maybe a setting of 500 is stupid  :-[, possibly 100 for me then, as most views will be less than this

It would be good to have this as a configuration with a the warning that large number of items displayed will affect server response times.

For some site owners, they will currently be confused as to why they see the thumbs sometimes (<21) and not others especially if they have changed their items per list/pagination and we will get more questions on the forum.

But if the server is going to struggle with displaying thumbs for 100+ items, won't it struggle running a decent sized ecommerce site?

My aim for admin views is to reduce the number of pages I need to load and the number of mouse clicks, whilst still providing the essential information to allow me to make decisions.  Having the thumb shown will really speed up this. 

I edit the product list view to show stock available, I know the inventory report is available but that does not have the new nice thumb  :)


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Quote from: Hutson on July 12, 2013, 20:52:13 PM
How can there be "nay" sayers? (LOL)

I'm one of the (probably very rare) species whose first question was "how can I turn it off again" - because it makes my product lists look a little bit cluttered and too long...   ;D
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I knew my "nay sayer" comment would draw someone out of the shadows - jjk no less !

Yes it would be nice to have an on off switch as well as a configuration for "max no" of items for thumbs posiibly combine wth 0 being off

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


And delivered in 2.0.22a

<table class="admintable">
<?php echo VmHTML::row('input','COM_VIRTUEMART_LIST_MEDIA','mediaLimit',VmConfig::get('mediaLimit',20)); ?>

Great response TEAM VM

( Team VM  :) - don't start wearing capes!  Remember the story from "the incredibles" ;))

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


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