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System Notifications not being sent

Started by IntrepidClassChicken, June 20, 2013, 13:22:50 PM

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Hi Folks,

I did a site migration after a rebrand. I changed the domain as well.

I had to change the default site path in a file on the server. My host told me which one but I forget. Can anyone advise???

I am having the problem that when a user creates an account, they get the email requiring verification but I get no notice.

I have changed all of the email addresses in the back end of Joomla. I have even created a new Login module. It hasn't helped.

Any suggestions appreciated :)


Joomla! Version    Joomla! 2.5.11 Stable [ Ember ] 26-April-2013 14:00 GMT

PHP Version    5.3.6

Virtuemart version I can't tell you because there is nowhere that offers this up.
It is looking to update to 2.0.18a but every time I try, doesn't work???


In Joomla user manager make sure that you have selected Receive System emails for your userid and that the email address is correct.

To show your current version go to Joomla's extension manager / Manage and locate the VirtueMart component. There is a column for version numbers....

If the autoupdater does not work, as it won't on some slower hosts or those that do not permit remote updating, you should use Joomla's extension manager to update VM.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thanks for this.

Receive System Emails is ticked to yes in both the Virtuemart vendor location and in the User Manager location. So not sure why I am not receiving system emails.

VM version is 2.0.18a

Updating I will have to try when I get xCloner back up and running. For some reason my host changed something and it no longer works. Is the problem likely to be fixed with an update?