Started by JeffRozar, June 12, 2013, 17:54:54 PM

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I have a 1.5.26 Joomla test site with Virtuemart 1.1.19 that I'm migrating the live site's data to.

Following instructions at, I successfully installed Virtuemart 2.0.20b and 2.0.20b AIO using "Extensions, Install/Uninstall".

After installing, I fixed a few errors along the way:
  1. commenting out "$columns = $db ->getTableColumns($this->_tbl);" in vmtable.php
  2. editing the xxx_virtuemart_vendors table entry and adding 144 for the two currency fields in the only record in the table

Then I tried opening up the home page and the error COM_VIRTUEMART_MIGRATION_WARN_VM1_EXTENSIONS appeared and of course the site won't load (except for administrator access).

I went hunting for old VM plugins, which the admins and other posters have suggested after (4 hours of searching this board). I have none! No "VM - Search", nothing associated with Virtuemart, just the AIO plugins that came with 2.0. As a matter of fact, I disabled every plugin listed one at a time and tested - all of them still showed the VM1 error!

I did find, though, that by disabling the plugin "content_loadmodule", the VM1 error went away, but that just gives a white, blank page!

Also, if I disable the module "Cart" of type "mod_virtuemart_cart", then the COM_VIRTUE... goes away, but the screen is still blank white.

Please can anyone help?


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