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Really need help adding a new template to Virtuemart 2.02b

Started by drummachine24, May 13, 2013, 16:33:28 PM

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Hey out there!  I am need of some asistance - I am migrating my virtuemart from 1.1.9 to 2.0.2b.  Everything when fine, except the template I had applied in 1.1.9.  Now, I'm trying to apply templates in virtuemart 2.0.2b and I can't figure it out.  There is no "Themes" folder like there used to be.  I read post after post and document after document and can't find anything that is straightforward in how to apply a template.  I downloaded a free template to work with but I can't get anything work.

I was reading something that the templates are now controlled be joomla templates.  I installed the virtuemart template, but when I choose it from the virtuemart config, it changes nothing.

I really need some straightforward instructions on how to do this, please!!  If anyone can help, thanks :)


The templating system in VM2 is in the Joomla standard view format, which was introduced with Joomla 1.5, but the old VM did not use it as it was originally designed for Joomla 1

To change the layout you use template overrides.  See  and

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



Thanks for the reply, but I've read through those same links about a dozen times, and it still makes zero sense to me. 

I downloaded a template that said it is a Virtuemart 2.x template - In the package for the template, it has a joomla template to install just like you would any joomla template, then it has all sorts of other files and the instructions say to put them in the "theme" folder in com_virtuemart folder, but the theme folder doesn't exist. So i created it, copied the files, and nothing.  I read something about having to put it in the actual template folder of the joomla template, but all that I saw referenced was the default.php file, but the template I downloaded for VM 2 has all sorts of image files and css files and stuff, and I have no idea where to put any of it.