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Solved.Cannot change Store Description

Started by rippergr, May 04, 2013, 18:56:41 PM

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if you are using multilanguage, did you fill in the desciption for all languages?

what happens after you login on front end?


I have both Greek and English Description all filled but in front end even if I login it doesnt show any description.

edit: I tried the default joomla templates as wel but there is no description
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did you turn on

"show store description"

in you vmart configuration?


Yes of course I have it enabled.
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you have got to be overlooking something

this has not been reported by anyone


I think I gound what is going on. I have the menu that show the store as VirtueMart Categories Layout. If I change it to Virtuemart Frontpage it shows the description.
Is there a way o show the description to VirtueMart Categories Layout as well because in virtuemart frontpage it doesnt show the categories only some products.
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Quote from: rippergr on May 14, 2013, 16:43:22 PM
I think I gound what is going on. I have the menu that show the store as VirtueMart Categories Layout. If I change it to Virtuemart Frontpage it shows the description.
Is there a way o show the description to VirtueMart Categories Layout as well because in virtuemart frontpage it doesnt show the categories only some products.

do you have "show child categories"   checked?


Ok I had Show categories disabled.
Now it's ok. Thanks a lot for your help.
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