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service fee

Started by schluff81, April 02, 2013, 09:20:08 AM

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Hi folks,

I already searched a lot about how to enable some kind of "service fee" but I wasn't lucky.

You want to sell a print product. The initial setup-time of the job is quiet high but the actuall print doen't demand a lot of effort. Therefore it is wished to add a "service fee" (lets say 10$) to the cart if ANY print product is added to the shopping cart. But only ones! No matter how many times one product is added, no matter how many different print products are selected... One extra point is that not only print products are to be sold but also ... uh ... Tea-Cups. For those obviously no "serviece fee" is required or even wished...

Does anyone know a simple solution or some kind of plugin which enables this functionality?

thanks a lot in advance!



I think you might think of this in reverse.

The product is the service fee so It can be set once.

then the Variant is the number of products - maybe a drop down box with

So it cost $10.00 print fee and then the drop down box might add $1.00 every increase in the number of prints needed.

The initial cost is always the same. Just an Idea


Hi John,

thanks for your quick answere! I initially had the same thought but i see two drawbacks:

1. If I add a second product, I would have the service fee two times... I only want it to be charges one time no matter how many products are included, which require the one time service charge...
2. If the inital price of the product is 10$ the customer could think "Whaaaaat the hack? 10$ for one pice of paper? NOOOO" ... you know what I mean ;)))

Do you or any one else have another idea?



I just came up with another idea:

What if I modify the DATaxRulesBill rule (Modify Price of Bill after Tax)??  Right no it always leads to a discount - no matter which opterator (plus or minus) I choose...

Does anyone know where to change the operators in the code so the DATaxRulesBill - rule doesn't substract the price but adds the entered amount to the final bill?!?
