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Display image based on selections in custom fields

Started by iWim, February 20, 2013, 09:43:32 AM

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My client wants to have a "Create your own jewel"-product.
I know that you can have customers select options with custom fields.

However... my client wants to display an image based on the selected options.
I know you can create child products, but that's for just one custom field. This product would need multiple.
But there are several options a customer can choose (color, material, gems etc.)

A quick look at the number of options my client wants it looks there are a few hundred results possible.

Is there a VM extension that can display an image based on selections a customer makes?
Or maybe a Joomla extension that can do that?

Or is this a custom job? (paid?)

Thank you.


Hello iWim,

Sounds like you would need something like Product Builder, see:
Good luck!


Thank you.
This does seem to do that. I'll have a closer look at it.