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[SOLVED] Problems with AllInOne Installation Package File

Started by kaybee57, November 15, 2012, 04:19:24 AM

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Joomla 2.5.8
Virtuemart 2.0.14
Working locally under XAMPP

Have previous working Joomla client installations no problems

New install now downloaded - (obvious new versions available to use).
Main Joomla package of the 2 compressed files, uncompressed no problem
Installation of the first file installed fine and all okay

Installation of next package file "aio" - fails -( this is my main hurdle)

BLUE message:Component Install: DB function reports no errors
RED error message: Error installing component

Under "Components", virtuemart-aio IS listed
Within Virtuemart - no shipping or payment method options are available (i.e. no aio installation components made it past the block!)

I have given almost every folder I can think of, 777 permissions.

Have tried manually copying over folders into 'hopefully' correct folders on install setup but no luck - even copied from another clients folders but that didn't work either.

Am I correct in that those options should be available?? (Shipping and Payment methods - eg VM -
Should I be able to manually copy over folders and if so, correct locations?
Is there a manual Paypal extension I can install otherwise? (can't find it)
Same for shipping methods??

Or, as they say, am I missing something??

Have done a fresh install rolling back to Virtuemart 2.1.10 (with Joomla 2.5.8) and it's obviously not the file ad that one didn't work either, so there's something I'm not doing that I'm not sure about.....mmmm..

Really not sure what I did but I deleted all reference to past databases using same or similar name, changed the install folder name also to something completely different and did a brand new install of Joomla then the Virtuemart files 1 at a time and fixing any little folder permissions along the way and voila - all is good now.
Lesson learnt - do it slowly and properly!!