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Image overlay for sold items

Started by reggaebkk, November 10, 2012, 14:02:25 PM

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Sorry if maybe this has been answered somewhere already but I can't find the exact solution, and I really looked, or maybe I don't know the proper terminology, so sorry.

I would like to have a small overlay that says "sold" on items that have been sold or sold-out, or even if I change the status to sold while there is still one in stock.

All I seem able to do is to remove the item, or put a "on order" or some other mention next to the item image.

But I'd like to be able to add a "sold" overlay on the item image without having to re-upload an image where I added "sold" from my computer. 

I'd like that when the inventory reaches zero, or when I change the item status to ... anything like sold... VM automatically adds a "sold" banner to the image.

Something like in the attached image that would appear in the item page and in the modules as well.

Is there a way to do that? I can't seem to find it.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


This is not a configurable option in VM, so you would need to write a plugin to read the quantity and be triggered manually or when quantity is zero. Then  use css to add an overlay to the product image. 

Or alter the way that the out of stock options work:  Displays 'Notify Me' instead of 'Add To Cart' button  or  Products Out of Stock are orderable, and the field 'Availability' below is displayed

Or maybe use/modify something like this:
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

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