vmError: VmTable #__virtuemart_vendors_es_es Check not passed. Neither slug nor

Started by julianmx, October 26, 2012, 02:53:03 AM

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that's happened when try to add a sending address

vmError: VmTable #__virtuemart_vendors_es_es Check not passed. Neither slug nor obligatory value at vendor_store_name for auto slug creation is given



Production: Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.14 | PHP 5.3.13
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.16 | PHP 5.3.8
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 |    VM 2.1   | PHP 5.3.8

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oops sorry:

PHP Version    5.2.17
Web Server    Apache
Joomla! Version    Joomla! 2.5.7 Stable [ Ember ] 13-September-2012 14:00 GMT
VM Installed version 2.0.12e


I did the upgrade to the last version, and change the front language for english now I get this error

vmError: exeSortSearchListQuery Table 'kroacom_001.rj6ck_virtuemart_shipmentmethods_en_gb' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `rj6ck_virtuemart_shipmentmethods_en_gb` as l JOIN `rj6ck_virtuemart_shipmentmethods` USING (`virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id`) ORDER BY ordering DESC LIMIT 0, 10

:-\ :-\ :-\ :-\


Forget it, sorry, my mistake,
I update the database wiyh a previous back , but the error continues,

        vmError: VmTable #__virtuemart_vendors_en_gb Check not passed. Neither slug nor obligatory value at vendor_store_name for auto slug creation is given
        vmError: vmTable loadTable 'kroacom_001.rj6ck_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT `rj6ck_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb`.* ,`rj6ck_virtuemart_vendors`.* FROM `rj6ck_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb` JOIN rj6ck_virtuemart_vendors using (`virtuemart_vendor_id`) WHERE rj6ck_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb.`virtuemart_vendor_id` = "1"
        vmError: exeSortSearchListQuery Table 'kroacom_001.rj6ck_virtuemart_paymentmethods_en_gb' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT o.*, CONCAT_WS(' ',u.first_name,u.middle_name,u.last_name) AS order_name ,u.email as order_email,pm.payment_name AS payment_method FROM rj6ck_virtuemart_orders as o LEFT JOIN rj6ck_virtuemart_order_userinfos as u ON u.virtuemart_order_id = o.virtuemart_order_id AND u.address_type="BT" LEFT JOIN rj6ck_virtuemart_paymentmethods_en_gb as pm ON o.virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = pm.virtuemart_paymentmethod_id WHERE ( u.virtuemart_user_id = 42 AND o.virtuemart_vendor_id = "1" ) order by o.modified_on DESC



Did you back before upgrade?

Go to tools-> Tools and migration -> Install or if necessary update tables

Production: Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.14 | PHP 5.3.13
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.16 | PHP 5.3.8
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 |    VM 2.1   | PHP 5.3.8

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- Please do not PM with support questions, use the forum!


Tagging along here...just did a totally fresh install of J and vm 2.0.14 trying to resolve the errors when adding a new shipping address.  I am now able to add a new shipping address, but get this error...


J! 2.5.7
PHP 5.3.10
VM 2.0.14

Add me to the list of people with this problem on add/edit ST address but with en_gb:

vmError: VmTable #__virtuemart_vendors_en_gb Check not passed. Neither slug nor obligatory value at vendor_store_name for auto slug creation is given


me too.
I added a new user. and the following error ouccrs.

VmTable #__virtuemart_vendors_nl_nl Check not passed. Neither slug nor obligatory value at vendor_store_name for auto slug creation is given

the table exists and there is one item in it.

regards Jan


Hi all

It's been a while since this error was first posted and it may have been resolved for most, but I had the same issue and this is how I fixed mine for those still seeking solutions.

In my billing details form, the State/Province/Region field - which is mandatory - was empty because I didn't add my states yet. Once the states were added, the error went away.

When looking at the error message, it refers to "Check not passed" which I'm guessing is the check to see if the mandatory field has been entered, in this case not.

Hope this helps someone!


Add me too, any solution please? tried all the mentioned here.

In my case I can update the shipping adress and info but the message always appears, not very nice for customers.



my problem was solved after i discoverd not all the vendors properties  where filled in. After filling them it worked fine.

regards Jan


Hi I just noticed that vendor details are not saved, it wont apply changes, when i write all the details it will delete it again after saving.

File has permission.

Any idea?


Hi I just noticed that vendor details are not saved, it wont apply changes, when i write all the details it will delete it again after saving.

File has permission.

Each time I update the info for the vendor from the frontend it appears blank at the backend.

Any idea?


Well not really,
but i updated them from the backend. Why update from the frontend? I do my admin always from the backend.
Does it work from the backend with you?

regards Jan