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Limitbox issue

Started by randomdev, October 24, 2012, 09:43:10 AM

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Using vm2.0.6 (cant upgrade)

Url before clicking limitbox:

After clicking limitbox:

Modules that should load with itemid 402 are no longer loading, if I manually change &Itemid=402 to &Itemid=402 the modules load fine. How can I fix this?

I have also noticed if I click the limit box a number of times the link gets very long and doesnt look right to me?
e.g. after choosing 12, 24, then 36 from the limitbox


This is how I fixed it if anyone has the same issue (I don't understand how everyone does not have this issue?).

Edited vmmodel.php in helpers directory as follows and it seems to work:

   //$limits[]=JHtml::_('select.option', JRoute::_( $link.'&limit='. $items), $items);
   $limits[]=JHtml::_('select.option',htmlspecialchars_decode(JRoute::_( $link.'&limit='. $items)), $items);

   //$selected= JRoute::_( $link.'&limit='. $selected) ;
   $selected=htmlspecialchars_decode(JRoute::_( $link.'&limit='. $selected) );


Quote from: randomdev on October 25, 2012, 04:01:09 AM
(I don't understand how everyone does not have this issue?).

Maybe they are all using the current version, not an old one......
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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