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Joomla 2.5.7 / Virtuemart 2.0.12f anonymous user price not showing in front-end

Started by enoon, October 22, 2012, 21:26:01 PM

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ENOON's recommended solution DID work for me.  ENOON says to run an sql statement in phpMyAdmin to change one value in the database, and it does work:

UPDATE `w3nfy_virtuemart_product_prices` SET `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`=NULL WHERE 1

The only difference is, you NEED TO DOUBLE CHECK to make sure if the existing value is in fact "1".  In my case, it was "2".  So you change the value of the WHERE parameter to match the value you find set in your virtuemart_shoppergroup_id field, in my case:

UPDATE `w3nfy_virtuemart_product_prices` SET `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`=NULL WHERE 2

Why this occurs with this upgrade of VM, and why it apparently does not impact everyone identically, I have no idea, but it appears to be something that has to be addressed by the VM developers going forward with VM 2 updates.


I have 2 shopper groups: -Anonymous- and -default-, after changing the value id to 1 for group default the prices for anonymous are not displayed.
How to set virtue-mart to display prices from both groups, change the article and adding it to the 2 groups doesn't change anything.


The solution to: UPDATE `w3nfy_virtuemart_product_prices` SET `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`=NULL
did not work for me.  All my items show NULL and prices are still not showing for anonymous or default customer groups.
What else is missing? 


Quote from: myopicseer on October 28, 2012, 15:05:06 PM
Why this occurs with this upgrade of VM, and why it apparently does not impact everyone identically, I have no idea, but it appears to be something that has to be addressed by the VM developers going forward with VM 2 updates.

The reason is quite simple. This version has already the multiprices partly implemented. I removed it, but all parts. This part works absolutly well, if you have a fresh installation of vm2. But if you migrated from vm1, old data is interfering. In vm1 all prices had to have a shoppergroup. So they are stored with a shoppergroup, usually the default shopppergroup, which is normally the vm1 shoppergroup with id 1. In vm2, we have a shoppergroup for non logged in users, so that we can use rules for non logged in users (the anonymous ones).
So vm2 is now displaying the old prices and already checking for the shoppergroups. It takes the old value 1, which is now the default group again. So anonymous dont have a price.

To change this, the best way is imho indeed to set the "UPDATE `w3nfy_virtuemart_product_prices` SET `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`=NULL"

So we come to the problem of Sagepos, because for him it is not working. I have no clue, he may try 0. He should also use the latest product model of the svn. Please try the attached file, path is BE/models (or administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models), overwrite the existing one. It contains whole multiprices concerning the model, but it is written more robust.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
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In my case i did not upgrade from VM1. I did a fresh VM2 install some months ago (maybe since January i am doing some fresh instalations) and then taked all updates. 
When i did the last update from 2.0.12B to F .... the front end prices go away...
So i get back to version B and prices are fine yet... uff!  :-[
Should we all do that Update in SQL or wait for next stable release without do that?  ???
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


The plot thickens...
I double checked the database to make sure all the `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`=NULL and they did.
I then went to Control Panel/Configuration/Pricing and saw that I had Base Price only selected.  It was still not showing though.
I checked Final Sale Price and opened the website again.  Now I had prices.  However, Final Sale Price only.
I went back and checked Standard Price and then opened the website again, no Standard prices showed, only Final Sales Price.
I am happy to have Final Sale Price showing but any suggestions what the issue would be about the others?
This is a new VM2, it never was a VM1.
I also updated to the new product.php
I only have two shopper groups, anonymous and default.
Before v2.12f, all the prices worked fine.  ???



Quote from: Milbo on October 29, 2012, 14:43:01 PM

To change this, the best way is imho indeed to set the "UPDATE `w3nfy_virtuemart_product_prices` SET `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`=NULL"

I also did not migrate, but did a fresh install a few months ago (July?) So it seems the reason Milbo stated is not entirely correct, but the solution seemed to work for me too.

I have Joomla 2.5.7, and Virtuemart 2.12f. Only 2 shopper groups anonymous (id=1) registered (id=2) registered is set as default. I do not have shoppergroup specific price display checked.


Oha, thanks for the correction.

Then in some older versions of vm2.0. we had the old method. sagepos do you have maybe the shoppergroup specific price display activated? Be sure disable it first, it can make a lot confusion.
Works the model I sent?
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Shopper group speciffic price display is not activated.
I have Baseprice, Final Sales Price, and Standard Price activated and only Sales Price is actually showing?
When you say 'model' are you referring to products.php?  I did install products.php and everything seems to be working fine other than the prices not showing.



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What do you need access to? cpanel, administrator, FTP?   Where do I send the login info?
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Hi Guys,

I ve read all your post but my problem seems to persist. I have multivendor set up in VM and when I go and add a product from the frontend it doesn t show the price. From phpadmin I seem to have the shopper_group_id set to null but I have to manually go and set each item to NULL when it shows 1 as a result. Can someone tell me how do I set the table or write a file so that the prices show automatically instead of going and manually correct it all the time?




Can we please just have an update to solve this problem.
I don't want to play with my database (bad experiences with that).
This problem is now for 10 days, without any update from virtuemart!



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