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VAT on shipment cost depending on type of products sold

Started by True2BBQ, October 17, 2012, 15:08:32 PM

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In The Netherlands we have 2 types of VAT; a low percentage (6%) for foodstuffs and books and a few other items and a high percentage (21%)for all other products. The VAT for shipment costs however is dependend on the product being shipped. For example:

When you ship a product (food) and the product costs 10 euro before VAT the product including VAT will be 10.60
If shipment for this product would be 5 euro before VAT the shipment cost including VAT will be 5.30
Total cost including VAT will be 15.90
Total VAT is 0.90 (6% of 15.90)

When you ship a product (non-food) and the product costs 10 euro before VAT the product including VAT will be 12.1
If shipment for this product would be 5 euro before VAT the shipment cost including VAT will be 6.05
Total cost including VAT will be 18.15
Total VAT is 3.15 (21% of 18.15)

When you ship items of different VAT categories the highest VAT will apply to the shipping costs
Product cost (food) is 5 excluding VAT and 5.3 including VAT
Product cost (non-food) is 10 excluding VAT and 12.1 including VAT
Shipment cost will be 5 excluding VAT and 6.05 including VAT
Total cost including shipment is 23.45
Total VAT is 3.45 (6% of 5.3 + 21% of 10 + 21% of 5)

OK, now my question is if it is possible to base a VAT of shipment costs on the type of product in the shopping cart even when there are products in the shopping carts with different VAT?


Was there a solution?? I have the same problemfor a german shop!!


Quote from: thelake on March 15, 2014, 06:09:12 AM
Was there a solution?? I have the same problemfor a german shop!!

I have net heard anything yet but if I do I'll post it here.