Downloadable products email with downloadlink to customer (iStraxx )

Started by rolimoli, September 21, 2012, 17:05:05 PM

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Hey everybody!

Today I bought myself the Virtual Products extension because I offer just virtual products in my online shop. Now, I was testing my shop and bought myself my own product. Unfortunately I didnt get a download link to my email adress. I was wondering where I have to make a change in my options. I have been looking for a solution since 4 hours now and I dont know how to get on now.

I would be really happy if somebody could help me on this.



Would really appreciate it to get some help!


doesnt any one have an answer?
my shop is more or less completely finnished but when i was trying to buy a product, there wasnt send out an email to the customer with a download link. Just the invoice was sent. Where are the options to send an download link with the email. I use virtuemart 2.10 and joomla 2.5.X