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Syncronize Media to Virtuemart > Assign Image to Product?

Started by JayShoe, August 24, 2012, 18:17:57 PM

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Hello Virtuemart Forum,

There is an option under "Shop>Media Files>Syncronize Media to Virtuemart. I dropped some files in via FTP under /public_html/images/stories/virtuemart/product and then chose the option to do this. The new images show up in the Media Files browser. How can I assign those images to a product? Is there something I'm missing? What's the point of this option if you can't do anything with the media files once imported?


Furthermore... Under Products>[Select a product]>Product Images. There are two buttons labeled -16 and 16+... What do they do? It brings up a box that shows images in a very non-intuitive way and I was able to add an image to the product using it but it's UX is pretty lame. I'm not trying to just be negative but again... Am I missing something?


I am stuck at exactly the same point! How can I assign an image I have already under "media" to a product? What do the "+16" "-16" buttons mean? Who can help us?

K&K media production

It is atm not possible to add images to products from media, only in product -> images.

With +16 / -16 you go thrue the images, 16 forward or 16 back.