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Password not required for registration

Started by subterra, July 30, 2012, 13:39:09 PM

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Hello, and sorry if this has already been covered. I couldn't find anything via search

I was wondering how to make it so the password field is required when a user registers. Currently it's possible for a user to register without entering anything into the Password / Confirm Password fields.

In the Shopper Fields settings both the password and password_2 fields are set as required.

Currently using VM 2.0.8e and Joomla 2.5.6



I have never come across that. The joomla core requires a password so that you can retrieve your username , and emails etc. You might have to reinstall joomla or ask in the forums there. On every site the user must have a password to get in or register.

mmm , they can checkout as a guest and not register - is that the real issue? that is a different setting.


I have this problem too and I'm on the latest version of Joomla and virutemart. Reinstalling is not an option as I have spent weeks customising the site...

Seems like a bug to me... I can register a new user with no password and they are even logged in to virtuemart upon "successful" registration (although not joomla), despite activation being required...

Perhaps the problems are linked. I just posted about the other problem here:


To provide a further update if the passwords don't match a registration fail occurs, however if both fields are blank it goes on through as described above and an encripted string of data (who knows what) is stored in the database under the _users table.

I have guest checkout disabled. Eg. Users must be registered to check out... so shouldn't be related to that.


Quote from: nicole2292 on July 30, 2012, 14:54:45 PM
I have guest checkout disabled. Eg. Users must be registered to check out... so shouldn't be related to that.

I have guest checkout disabled as well.

Here's the interesting thing, Joomla will auto-generate a password for the account. That password will show up in the activation email, if activation is required. So it's not as if a user can just login without a password. Also, if activation is turned off, after a user creates their account sans-password, they're immediately told their session has expired and are kicked to the login screen. But can't log back in because they don't know what their auto-generated password is.

And I feel the whole auto-login after account creation + required activation (when enabled) is just asking for a lot of customer confusion. Because while they can check out immediately after registering, they can't log back in after their session expires until they've activate the account.

This may be a questions for a different thread but I'll ask it anyways: Is there a better method to send a 'registration completed' email? Without requiring activation?


I see others can turn it off maybe you can turn it on. Yes I have seen other posts regarding this same topic - might have to hunt forum for Login, password.


Can anyone please take a look at my other related question of why a user is logged in to virtuemart (but not joomla) after registration but BEFORE activation...

There is a thread about it here:

Thanks, I urgently need to solve this one. I can make by own password a required field myself with a bit of javascript but I cannot figure out how to stop this login from automatically happening after registration and you cannot tell me it should happen when the activation has not even been completed.



I have the same problem. It is possible to "register" without any password!

There are different variant for this problem:

During the order ... the fields for password are validated as required, but when i use different passwords for the field password and retype password, it allows me to continue with the order as i would be registered. (it shows the warning that the passwords do not match, but regardless the order steps continues).

During normal registration through menu item ... the fields for passwords are not validated as required (but in the administration they are marked as required), and you can register without typing anything in the password input field (when you type some pass, but they do not match, it eighter acts like you were registered - it shows the warning like during order registration)

Other problems that could have something with this issue - when the VM setting for order is "require registration during order" = yes - than, the registration trought menu item do not require (no validation) name, username and passwords. When the VM setting for order is "require registration during order" = no -  than, the registration trought menu item do not require (no validation) passwords.

J 2.5.7, VM 2.0.12