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Management of prices based on quantities

Started by madomotique, July 12, 2012, 14:11:51 PM

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Management of prices based on quantities is a basic concept of ecommerce that you can apply a price based on the desired product quantity. It was very well implemented in VM1

The existing:
Istraxx plugin (35.7 €)
- The plugin applies on categories and not by product.
- Plugin is unusable once you exceed a few dozen references as it involves manual input.
The coding of quantities and prices in the table (serialize) prohibits the creation of CSV format file for import into database.

The need:
A plugin that determines and displays the fare depending on the quantity chosen for the product in the flypage.
The price is determined by the contents of a table that contains all the slices with their tariff amounts by client group concerned (see the table in vm_product_price VM1)
If no match is found it is the price of the product is displayed.
In flypage price display is updated as soon as the quantity seized changes (ajax).

The solution?
Have a way to do it
If thinking to bid for development please contact me MP