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I can´t find a tag language to translate it

Started by dragonita, June 01, 2012, 19:55:57 PM

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I´m using VM 2.0.6 on Joomla 1.7.4
I need to translate this spanish and chinesse this sentences which appears when you try to select a shippment method without having an address setup. Ineed help not with the translation, but with the tag that I cn not find... the english translation is:

Enter your address information first

Anyone knows in which diccionary file can I find this? and which is the tag? ::)
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Quote from: dragonita on June 01, 2012, 19:55:57 PM
Enter your address information first
If "Enter your address information first" is what you actually see when you use english as a frontend language, it is not part of standard VM2. So in your case it's probably part of your UPS plugin. Language files all have an .ini suffix.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


All right !! Thnxs Found it on administrator/languge/en-EN.plg_vmshipment_istraxx_ups.ini

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