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General Assets URL

Started by Agaton, May 15, 2012, 21:58:04 PM

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Does any body know what the purpose of the 'General Assets URL' is in configuration>templates>media file settings. I am assuming it is there to allow a new path to be entered for styling? Is this correct or am I assuming wrong?


In configuration>>templates>>media Files Settings?

* These contain the small links and images to general image files in the system.

* like the credit card images , or the VM shop image, or the small buttons, stars, etc

* maybe not what you are looking for


Thanks for your response.

Yes I know that paths are set in the media settings area for images however there is also a field called 'general assets url' currently this points to the assets folder (components/com_virtuemart/assets/).

Assets folder is where many of the css, js and other nice stuff live to make VM look good.

My question is, was this intended to allow a change of the path to say components/com_virtuemart/assets-style1/ so a custom design/layout can be implemented without the worry of core files being overwritten on upgrade.

If the answer is Yes then it doesn't work or there's another setting I need to alter, if No then what is it's purpose?


Hi I'll have to leave that to the coding team to answer.

* maybe if you don't get your answer in the admin forum - you will have to move your question to the 'templates forum'.


Thanks for trying to help anyway