default pagination is allways 3 products per page (J2.5.4 VM2.0.6)

Started by razor7, May 15, 2012, 20:49:57 PM

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Hi, I can't figure out or find an obvious parameter in config on how to change default quantity of products per page are shown in my VM categories. Actually, i just get 3 products per page, but i need to show 9.

Please, anyone can answer this really silly question?

Sorry for so much ignorance, jajaja.

Best regards!
MGS Creativa - VirtueMart Payment Plugin Experts

Take a look at our downloads section for VirtueMart payment plugins and mouch more!


MGS Creativa - VirtueMart Payment Plugin Experts

Take a look at our downloads section for VirtueMart payment plugins and mouch more!



Can you explain your results ?
I have the same problem. I's like to display all my products listed in my shop.
Thanks ! ;)


Of course, you just setup how many products per page on VM condiguration, second tab, something like "how many products on frontpage"

Best regards!
MGS Creativa - VirtueMart Payment Plugin Experts

Take a look at our downloads section for VirtueMart payment plugins and mouch more!


This works! Great, thanks.

I am using Joomla 2.5.4 and Virtuemart 2.0.6.

1. Logged In to Joomla
2. Clicked 'Components'
3. Clicked 'Virtuemart'
4. Clicked 'Configuration' group tab - left hand accordion style menu
5. Clicked 'Configuration' link
5. Clicked 'Store Front' Tab
6. Under Core Settings, changed 'Max products per view in frontend' to 12.
7. Clicked 'Save and Close'

Refreshed my sites frontend and now all categories are showing 12 products per page.


I've had the same frustrating problem myself. I just couldn't display more than three products at once. The next update fixed this issue and it's probably the reason people aren't complaining about it anymore.
Misha Cutie -


I have the same problem. It shows only products from 1 to 3 and than only something which can be divided through 3.
If I put 4 in the configuration an put this in the categories.php

<?php echo $this->perRow ?>

I got shown a 3. Is there a bug in virtuemart?



Production: Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.14 | PHP 5.3.13
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.16 | PHP 5.3.8
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 |    VM 2.1   | PHP 5.3.8

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