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dropdown box as custom plugin

Started by wolli, May 05, 2012, 23:30:14 PM

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Hi world ;)

I try to write a small custom plugin modul that shoul show a dropdown-box.

I already managed it to write the xml-document with a field to insert <option value=" ">" but in the php file i don't manage it to write a select box who STORES the datas in the virtuemart_product_customfields - custom param
I can make it work in a "'.VmHTML::row('input',......
but not in the    '.VmHTML::select('select'.....

If someone can help me it would be very glad


('_JEXEC') or  die( 'Direct Access to ' basename__FILE__ ) . ' is not allowed.' ) ;if (!class_exists('vmCustomPlugin')) require(JPATH_VM_PLUGINS DS 'vmcustomplugin.php');

class plgVmCustomLabel extends vmCustomPlugin {
function __construct(& $subject$config) {

$varsToPush = array(
'custom_label'=> array('''string'),
'custom_label_name'=> array('''string'),


plgVmOnProductEdit($field$product, &$row,&$retValue) {
if ($field->custom_element != $this->_name) return '';
$array explode(','$field->custom_label);
$text ''.Jtext::_('VMCUSTOM_LABLE_VALUE_'.$field->custom_label);

$label=substr($arr[1], $start2+1,$end2-$start2-1);
$array explode(','substr($arr[0], $start+1,$end-$start-1));
$myhtl "<select name='abc'>";
$array as $val) {
$myhtml .= "<option value='".$val."'>$label$val</option>";
$endhtml .= "</select>";

$html ='
JText::_('VMCUSTOM_LABEL_BOX') .'</legend>
<table class="admintable">
$retValue .= $html;
return true ;
 * We must reimplement this triggers for joomla 1.7
 * vmplugin triggers note by Max Milbers
public function plgVmOnStoreInstallPluginTable($psType) {

function plgVmDeclarePluginParamsCustom($psType,$name,$id, &$data){
return $this->declarePluginParams($psType$name$id$data);

function plgVmSetOnTablePluginParamsCustom($name$id, &$table){
return $this->setOnTablePluginParams($name$id$table);

 * Custom triggers note by Max Milbers
function plgVmOnDisplayEdit($virtuemart_custom_id,&$customPlugin){
return $this->onDisplayEditBECustom($virtuemart_custom_id,$customPlugin);

public function plgVmDisplayInOrderCustom(&$html,$item$param,$productCustom$row ,$view='FE'){
$this->plgVmDisplayInOrderCustom($html,$item$param,$productCustom$row ,$view);

public function plgVmCreateOrderLinesCustom(&$html,$item,$productCustom$row ){



I already had a look but wasn't able to do that.
How i sad: i'm able to write a input-field who save the datas in the field, but if i write the select drop-down like this it doesn't store the datas.
The different is between our plugins is my drop-down is in the backend.

If somebody can have a look it woul be very gorgeous.


have you tried the "is a list"

Option in the custom field?

In the "default"

U can separate them with   ;     and it will make a dropdown list for you

Default     This;Makes;List


on my goodness ;)

And i thought i tried every standart custom field. Made myself a lot of work for nothing ;)

great thanks for your reply, your my hero of the month ^^

And here a small other question just to make sure i don't oversight an other function.
Is it possible to create an other checkbox field for the sortby - order by product - tab without a hack?
-> i mean for example sort by "custom-field"

Thanks a lot