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Solution of changing order format

Started by, May 05, 2012, 00:43:31 AM

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Hi all, here is our solution of changing order format (example: from a54f11 to 12345678).


file: administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/orders.php
row: about 980 there should be function generateOrderNumber()

Before return statement I did something like that:

$data = $this->md5HexToDec($data);

md5HexToDec() is new function and you can put this after generateOrderNumber(...) function:

private function md5HexToDec($hex_str)
    $arr = str_split($hex_str, 4);
    foreach ($arr as $grp) {
        $dec[] = str_pad(hexdec($grp), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    return implode('', $dec);

Result is:

value before the change: 26e108
value after the change: 5318500016


Is there a way to make this upgrade-safe? So, when a new version of VM comes out, I don't have to redo this modification?


I have now created such a plugin, which allows the shop owner to change the order number, order password and invoice number at will:

The format is given as a text string, where [...] is understood as a variable and replaced by its value (e.g. [year] by the current year).

The running counter is indicated by #. The counter can be configured to be global (e.g. not reset each year/month/..) or a separate counter for each year/month/...

I hope you like the plugin and it does what you need. If you have any suggestions or further needs, just tell me:


That looks great,! Will try it out on my test-environment.
