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How do I edit elements on the standard VM frontpage?

Started by Petermae, May 04, 2012, 20:50:26 PM

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I am trying to edit the elements on my VM frontpage. I have put it into my main part of my stsandard Joomla page and removed much of the Joomla stuff. As a default, my VM frontpage shows Categories, Featured Products, Latest Products and Topten Products. What I am aiming for is to only show the featured products and the categories underneath. I also want to remove (or maybe only edit) the not-so-pretty headlines for Featured Products and Categories.

Will this require me to edit a php file directly, or can I do it from the admin menu somewhere?

I am sort of a novice. Do not know much about VM, but I know how to edit a bit of php and write some css, though.

Thanks in advance,

PS: Using VM 2 and Joomla 2.5 on a just-installed page. I prefer not to use any templates or modules unless I am absolutely forced to, want to keep everything as clean and made-by-me as possible, which is part of the idea behind this spare time project.


Having spent about two hours more trying to solve this, I found the solution and thought I'd share it here.

To remove the category list, I did as JenkinHill instructed in this thread:

To remove the Top Ten and Recommended, I just had to go to:
Joomla! admin panel > Components > Virtuemart > Configuration > Configuration > Templates tab
Then unclick all the stuff I didn't in the right side of the menus

This should seriously not have taken me more than ten minutes to figure out, imcoming blow to self esteem :)