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Virtuemart 2.0.6 - VM keyword in url?

Started by PeterMK85, April 28, 2012, 07:47:08 AM

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Example non sef url: ...option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=135&keyword=1176&view=category...

What's that keyword function? I didn't find anything referring to this function in the forum. What's that good for and how i can disable it? Apart keyword urls Sh404Sef works great with VM 2.0.6, with it Sh404 generated 107 Mb records over one night.

Any ideas?

I know sh404sef is not supported, usage of sh404sef
meta filling, .html ending, 404logging...

Joomla! 2.5.4
Virtuemart 2.0.6
Ext Sh404Sef


The Itemid=135 in your url probably is the Joomla menu id and the keyword=1176 is probably generated by your sh404sef.

A normal non-sef url looks like this:

A normal sef url looks like this:
...YourDomain/CategoryName/ProductTitle-detail (or -html, if you change the setting)

Quotewith it Sh404 generated 107 Mb records over one night
Concerning this I agree with the makers of sh404sef :
Citation from their website:
Simply because that is a very bad idea for good SEO results. You surely have been faced with the result of computer-generated translated content? Well, if you use automated extensions to automatically generate description tag, this is exactly what you will be feeding search engines with: gibberish ! Description meta tags can be important and help convince visitors to click on a search result link and come to your site. Either take the time to manually fill them in. This is definitively what we recommend. If you can't do that, just leave them empty. Let search engines decide for themselves, they'll do a better job!
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?