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Table errors while installing

Started by gmconline, April 24, 2012, 09:42:05 AM

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I got the next table problems , by example when i made a new catagory.
Please can somebode help me? I already deleted all tables in mysql before installing Virtuemart 2.06
        vmError: exeSortSearchListQuery Table 'mysql5e39d4197845edfa1b24d9806d6.jos_virtuemart_categories_nl_nl' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT c.`virtuemart_category_id`, l.`category_description`, l.`category_name`, c.`ordering`, c.`published`, cx.`category_child_id`, cx.`category_parent_id`, c.`shared` FROM `jos_virtuemart_categories_nl_nl` l JOIN `jos_virtuemart_categories` AS c using (`virtuemart_category_id`) LEFT JOIN `jos_virtuemart_category_categories` AS cx ON l.`virtuemart_category_id` = cx.`category_child_id` WHERE cx.`category_parent_id` = 0 ORDER BY category_name ASC
        vmError: exeSortSearchListQuery Table 'mysql5e39d4197845edfa1b24d9806d6.jos_virtuemart_categories_nl_nl' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS c.`virtuemart_category_id`, l.`category_description`, l.`category_name`, c.`ordering`, c.`published`, cx.`category_child_id`, cx.`category_parent_id`, c.`shared` FROM `jos_virtuemart_categories_nl_nl` l JOIN `jos_virtuemart_categories` AS c using (`virtuemart_category_id`) LEFT JOIN `jos_virtuemart_category_categories` AS cx ON l.`virtuemart_category_id` = cx.`category_child_id` WHERE c.`published` = 1 AND cx.`category_parent_id` = 0 ORDER BY category_name ASC LIMIT 0, 10
