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Paypal Payment for pending orders

Started by david.kwock, April 23, 2012, 03:21:13 AM

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I have added a parameter "Status for pending orders", that should be set to "Confirmed by shopper" status.

For the link, i don't really know what link to add, because atm the checkout process is based on the cart content, and when the cart is not there , it will  not work.


I have the same issue.
I think it's better to add a link to paypal page besides the pending status.
Some customers prefers to save order rather than save cart.
It could be a 'pay' buttom not a link.
when the shoppers click the buttom, they will post a form contains order information likes trade_out_no or total_fee to paypal


I would like a solution for this and would pay for it if need be.

For example, pending orders affect stock. If the user "checks in" the order but does not pay for the item, or if the product runs out of stock - the order is in the account management area under the order list, but they cannot pay for it, and the cart is empty. The problem is that there is still stock available, but the pending orders are clogging up the system.

It would be better is those orders were then immediately set to "cancelled" so the stock availability is there, and the customer knows their order was cancelled.
Alternatively to have an option for customers to "buy again" or "pay" for pending orders in their order list (or maybe an "add to cart again" option).

I get hundreds of orders a day - to manually deal with all the confused buyers and give them bank details, find their orders and mark them and keep track of them becomes a nightmare.

Any assistance appreciated, or a quote to sort this out please.


Flexibility is the key to order management.

We have many "abandoned" carts that create orders in the backend.  However we want to keep such orders and chase potential buyers to complete the purchase via credit card over the phone.

Cancelling such orders automatically is not where we want to end up.

No matter what the end result is, there will always be a site owner that will want a specific piece of functionality to meet their own needs and consequently some users will not get what they need out of the box.

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Old topic but still same situation.

We have several pending orders that are confusing both for the customer and for us.

You say we should set "pending" status to "confirmed by shopper" that makes no sense for me, how can a shopper confirm an order not confirmed by a payment gateway.

If we want just to get either cancelled or confirmed shouldn't I set "pending status" to "cancelled"??? or that could cause malfunction?????

What we want is to avoid "pending" in PayPal and credit card orders.

I really don't understand why the "pending" shows when a customer closed the window or doesnt complete the order. You either pay or you don't... is not a bank transfer or cash on delivery where I could understand the "pending status".

I agree with you Alatak that is not logical to go to "my orders" and pay from there, but then is even less logic to have "pending" status for payment processed orders.

It would be even better if past some time those orders were cancelled automatically or customers will end up with pending orders in their account which could lead to confusion, actually many of them call us to please "cancell" their "pending" order.



I see your situation, however - if a payment fails for whatever reason, we have the pending order on file and can take payments over the phone via our PDQ terminals.  This is not "tied" to the order via the payment gateway but it is still a paid order!  MOst importantly, we do not expect the customer to raise another order (and risk us losing the sale!)

Do I really want to cancel an order for $2000 before I have a chance to check with a customer - I think not!!

Do I want to cancel an order for $20 well, probably..

It is a matter of degrees and business preferrence

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Quote from: Hutson on May 06, 2013, 11:34:12 AM
I see your situation, however - if a payment fails for whatever reason, we have the pending order on file and can take payments over the phone via our PDQ terminals.  This is not "tied" to the order via the payment gateway but it is still a paid order!  MOst importantly, we do not expect the customer to raise another order (and risk us losing the sale!)

Do I really want to cancel an order for $2000 before I have a chance to check with a customer - I think not!!

Do I want to cancel an order for $20 well, probably..

It is a matter of degrees and business preferrence

Via the phone? and how is the customer gonna pay by phone a paypal order?

Cause making an order by paypal or credit cards for a customer is completely ilegal here at least.

Loose an order cause he has to make it again? don't get it. I think someone that pays 2000 dollars is quite interested in ordering again.

Do you want to cancell an order of 2000 dollars? well the order is already cancelled although you name it pending so either with cancelled or pending status it has the same effect as you have to contact the customer and he has to pay.

Not to mention the legal issues it could cause a pending order that has a wrong invoice date as you will have to manually confirm it and has to be redone with the correct date etc etc



Via the phone? and how is the customer gonna pay by phone a paypal order?  The order is not a "paypal" order, the payment processor may or may not be paypal, on a failure to complete via paypal for whatever reason, we may even suggest a bank transfer if that suits the customer

Cause making an order by paypal or credit cards for a customer is completely ilegal here at least.

It seems that you are unable to use this service

As I noted in my first comments below - versatility is the name of the game in e-commerce in order to meet a variety of country rules and needs

Loose an order cause he has to make it again? don't get it. I think someone that pays 2000 dollars is quite interested in ordering again.
Not necessarily if they have to add all the items to a new order! Not exactly great customer service  ($2000 was an example)

Do you want to cancel an order of 2000 dollars? well the order is already cancelled although you name it pending so either with cancelled or pending status it has the same effect as you have to contact the customer and he has to pay.

The effect is not the same, Cancelling an order frees up stock for sale, I want to make sure that the order is "dead" before I free up the stock.

Not to mention the legal issues it could cause a pending order that has a wrong invoice date as you will have to manually confirm it and has to be redone with the correct date etc etc

Legal issues??- Unsure as to why you think that failing to make a payment via paypal and setting as pending, differs in any way from any post order payment acceptance etc etc.

It is good to have the debate on these issues/ideas as it shows how users experiences and expectations differ to a greater or lesser extent.  Luckily the parmeterisation allows for a wide range of options to be covered.

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Quote from: ezsea on August 08, 2012, 16:05:09 PM
Quote from: alatak on July 19, 2012, 11:13:17 AM

QuoteIn one week of my store online, I've had 3 clients that contact the help desk trying to pay a purchased product.  Its a essential tool for a e-commerce, the client need to have a choice to pay whenever he wants... An "Click here to Pay" button in order mail and in the user account would be nice.
If the client did not pay, then the cart is not emptied, and no email is sent.
So he can pay via the cart.

Hi, I appreciate your hard work very much. But just as gcomo01 said, the problem still exists. Please test the workflow as what he mentioned before, eg. close browser page at the time of purchase. A pending order will be generated and the shopping cart will be cleared so that the customer will never be able to pay this order. Our customers complain about this problem at times and we are looking for a solution...

I understand you guys always make improvement of VM and the new workflow may be different from the old one. However, some changes are weird...

Kind Regards,
I miss when it was in the order-history for the customer to finish themselves. :(
Dev teams removed a great, fantastic, perfect function that was there before so they could cash in. Check it out on the virtuemart extension. There is no real excuse for it. "it's illegal here" or "We can't design for all laws" How about ON/OFF for the feature just like the TOS used to have that USED to work. lol ridiculous. Soon VM will be like Magento, all about $$$$$$ except it wont be as good.
No such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer. I won't ask if I know the answer or found it using the search as you suggested.


Quote from: Hutson on May 06, 2013, 19:00:52 PM
Via the phone? and how is the customer gonna pay by phone a paypal order?  The order is not a "paypal" order, the payment processor may or may not be paypal, on a failure to complete via paypal for whatever reason, we may even suggest a bank transfer if that suits the customer

Cause making an order by paypal or credit cards for a customer is completely ilegal here at least.

It seems that you are unable to use this service

As I noted in my first comments below - versatility is the name of the game in e-commerce in order to meet a variety of country rules and needs

Loose an order cause he has to make it again? don't get it. I think someone that pays 2000 dollars is quite interested in ordering again.
Not necessarily if they have to add all the items to a new order! Not exactly great customer service  ($2000 was an example)

Do you want to cancel an order of 2000 dollars? well the order is already cancelled although you name it pending so either with cancelled or pending status it has the same effect as you have to contact the customer and he has to pay.

The effect is not the same, Cancelling an order frees up stock for sale, I want to make sure that the order is "dead" before I free up the stock.

Not to mention the legal issues it could cause a pending order that has a wrong invoice date as you will have to manually confirm it and has to be redone with the correct date etc etc

Legal issues??- Unsure as to why you think that failing to make a payment via paypal and setting as pending, differs in any way from any post order payment acceptance etc etc.

It is good to have the debate on these issues/ideas as it shows how users experiences and expectations differ to a greater or lesser extent.  Luckily the parmeterisation allows for a wide range of options to be covered.

Hi Hutson, interesting conversation with you. Yeah is great that VM offers a global range of possibilities.

You are from the U.K (If i remember correctly) and im from Spain so in terms of e-commerce and law we are in different planets ;)

For example, that virtual terminal is something hardly ever used here. I see the use of it, but ill understand it more if that was somehow integrated with the actual order, if not, is just like a direct payment to a paypal account (ok ok from mobile devices..,) you as shop owner will have to either confirm a pending order or create a new one so is the same situation.

Not to mention the legal aspect of you as shopowner creating an order for a customer and accepting the legal terms for him.. but ok everyone does that.

Adding the items to make a new order doesn't seem an e-drama for me, the solution as someone mentioned here is a "save cart" button.

We don't use stock at all selling fruits as you can imagine we don't go the orchard and count down the number of oranges in each tree;) so as you said first time depends on each business.

Legal issues??- Unsure as to why you think that failing to make a payment via paypal and setting as pending, differs in any way from any post order payment acceptance etc etc.

First of all, cause is the customer the one that decides from the cart that he accepts the payment and conditions and that way you are changing a recorded failed payment (with all the error code etc) in to a confirm order.

If I was your customer I could say you are violating data protection law and using my credit card number without permission and I will have my error code, emails, ip connections etc to show everything.

A Bank Transfer or a Cash on delivery has nothing to do as there is no payment processor and just the agreement from the customer to the terms and conditions, something you avoid if you confirm an order for them.

Is a matter of opinions and business as you say, I don't see the use of "pending" anywhere for PayPal, card payments or any automatic payment gateways I completely understand it for payments that dont involve an automatic processor.



Quote from: sahaldau on September 04, 2012, 13:55:07 PM
I understand you but I think a costumer should can pay a pending order. So, I would like to create a link from a pending order to go to Paypal and pay the order.  I would like to create something like this that works fine:

<a href="'.JRoute::_( "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=orders&task=edit&virtuemart_order_id=".$row->virtuemart_order_id ).'">'.'Confirm order'.'</a>

Could you help me?

Thanks a lot!

Sorry, but my English isnĀ“t good... :(
How close was this to working? I would love to added the order history if pending
No such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer. I won't ask if I know the answer or found it using the search as you suggested.



"Pending" means that the order has been created in VM, the client went to Paypal, but he did not pay. The cart is not emptied. The client can add products or change the payment method.

QuoteYou say we should set "pending" status to "confirmed by shopper" that makes no sense for me, how can a shopper confirm an order not confirmed by a payment gateway.
"Confirmed by shopper" means that the client has paid via paypal, but Paypal returned a pending status


I know this an old topic, but we have the same requirement to allow a customer to view a pending order and to make payment for it.

Sometimes the redirection to PayPal might time-out or for other unknown reasons the customer didn't complete the PayPal payment.   We have had quite a few orders that have been left in a Pending state but once we followed up with the customer, they confirmed that they wish to proceed with the purchase.   Our current process for handling this, is log into PayPal and raise a manual invoice to the customer, customer pays, then we have to go back to Virtuemart and update status from Pending to Confirmed.   

Would be nice if we could just send a follow-up email to the customer, they can view the order and then choose to either Cancel or make payment for the order.   

Could this please be considered as an enhancement for a future release ?  It seems there is quite a few of us having this requirement.


Quote from: ShopOfToys on February 11, 2014, 13:18:40 PM
I know this an old topic, but we have the same requirement to allow a customer to view a pending order and to make payment for it.

Sometimes the redirection to PayPal might time-out or for other unknown reasons the customer didn't complete the PayPal payment.   We have had quite a few orders that have been left in a Pending state but once we followed up with the customer, they confirmed that they wish to proceed with the purchase.   Our current process for handling this, is log into PayPal and raise a manual invoice to the customer, customer pays, then we have to go back to Virtuemart and update status from Pending to Confirmed.   

Would be nice if we could just send a follow-up email to the customer, they can view the order and then choose to either Cancel or make payment for the order.   

Could this please be considered as an enhancement for a future release ?  It seems there is quite a few of us having this requirement.
Hi , good day, Did you have a solution for this?