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Paypal Payment for pending orders

Started by david.kwock, April 23, 2012, 03:21:13 AM

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Hello VM :) :),
I am using VM2.0.6 with Joomla 2.5.4.
In VM 1.9, customers can use a paypal button to pay for their pending orders from their order history, however it seems that function has disappeared in VM2.
so.. I am just wondering if my guess is correct, or it is not working only for my website...
Many Many Thank you for Virtuemart Development team and its great support :) 



I have the same problem.

It's necessary if a client want pay in a second time.



The payment workflow is different in VM2.
If the shopper does not pay, the order is not there. There are no real pending orders.


I'm trying solve same problem.

I think, If customer confirm order with paypal method and after redirection on PayPal page, close the PayPal login page (or go back on home page),  system create new "pending" order. But it is not possible to pay it again or later.

Did you solved it?


I understand that the flow in VM 2 is different and there is no real/logical order for the customer in the system to come back and pay if the customer chose not to pay and abandoned the paypal site at the time of purchase (closed browser .. broke the computer before paying or whatever :-)).
The issue am having though is that the system does generate a back-end order in pending state (although no emails are sent until payment is confirmed from paypal). If customer chose not to pay and abandoned then the back-end is filled with pending orders supposed to be paid with paypal but not paid nor cancelled explicitly by customers.. these orders are just orphaned pending orders to be cleaned manually. That takes a lot of manual work specially if you have a lot of these orphaned orders.
The issue with these orphan order in pending state becomes even more tricky for scarce items in inventory since pending orders book the items and even if there is plenty of stock for the item, the item can appear out of stock because of these bookings.
Now is there any work around ? e.g playing with paypal config states and putting 'Order Status for Pending transactions' to Cancelled (or whatever other state that doesn't book the item/product)  ?
Moreover I see that it is possible to create a new Status .. say 'Pre-PayPal' and configure it 'is available' for the stock then go and configure the paypal 'Order Status for Pending transactions' to this new status which does not book the item ...
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Joomla 1.7.3 VM 2.0.6


In one week of my store online, I've had 3 clients that contact the help desk trying to pay a purchased product.  Its a essential tool for a e-commerce, the client need to have a choice to pay whenever he wants... An "Click here to Pay" button in order mail and in the user account would be nice.

Hope someone finds a solution...



QuoteIn one week of my store online, I've had 3 clients that contact the help desk trying to pay a purchased product.  Its a essential tool for a e-commerce, the client need to have a choice to pay whenever he wants... An "Click here to Pay" button in order mail and in the user account would be nice.
If the client did not pay, then the cart is not emptied, and no email is sent.
So he can pay via the cart.


Quote from: alatak on July 19, 2012, 11:13:17 AM

QuoteIn one week of my store online, I've had 3 clients that contact the help desk trying to pay a purchased product.  Its a essential tool for a e-commerce, the client need to have a choice to pay whenever he wants... An "Click here to Pay" button in order mail and in the user account would be nice.
If the client did not pay, then the cart is not emptied, and no email is sent.
So he can pay via the cart.

Hi, I appreciate your hard work very much. But just as gcomo01 said, the problem still exists. Please test the workflow as what he mentioned before, eg. close browser page at the time of purchase. A pending order will be generated and the shopping cart will be cleared so that the customer will never be able to pay this order. Our customers complain about this problem at times and we are looking for a solution...

I understand you guys always make improvement of VM and the new workflow may be different from the old one. However, some changes are weird...

Kind Regards,



I have just tested it with the latest version 2.0.8.e
Once redirected to the paypal payment page, i close the window.
If I go on the website, the cart is still there.


Yes, all items stay in cart but only until you log off.
Let's say your client wants to pay few hours later (or even in 15 mins - deppends on session time), then she/he needs to login on the site and the cart is empty then of course.

You still can find that order in Order List.
It has right Pending status there but you can not proceed the payment.


I have similar issues.  I've had a couple of instances where the PayPal session times out after the customer clicks the "Confirm Order" button.  In this case, a pending order IS created.  If the customer set up an account, they can view the order - but there is no way to pay for it. 

If the customer goes back to the site prior to session timeout, the cart will still have the items in it and they can try again to pay. I believe that successful payment will create an additional order with a "confirmed" status.

However, if the customer goes back to the site after the session times out or is cleared, the cart is empty but the pending order still exists without any way that it can be paid.



Yes you are completly rigth sleepigrl.
But then the question : why shall the client go in "your orders" to pay ? I know it was like that in VM1, but it is not logic.
I do agree that the order should not appear in the order list in that case. We can try to fix that.

But imho, the best will be to have a "saved cart" functionnality


Actually, the concept of a "pending order" that the customer can then make payment on does seem logical to me from a customer's standpoint.  But, to me it's basically the same as a saved shopping cart, so that works too :)   Even better if, for a logged in customer, the cart persists until it's cleared or processed (obviously that wouldn't work for someone that wasn't logged in).

I saw gcomo01's note that the pending orders affect the shop inventory by reserving those items, so it's not just a matter of removing the pending order from the customer's view.  If the shopper goes back to the shop where the items are still in their cart and then processes a payment successfully there will be both a confirmed order and a pending order.  Even if the shopper never pays, the order is still present in the back end and affects the available stock.   It seems to me that it either shouldn't be created or should be automatically removed at some point after it's not confirmed, although I don't know how that would happen.



QuoteActually, the concept of a "pending order" that the customer can then make payment on does seem logical to me from a customer's standpoint.
for me what is not logical is to go on the view orders to find the actual order and pay. It is more

QuoteI saw gcomo01's note that the pending orders affect the shop inventory by reserving those items,
Yes this is true, the pending orders are affects the stock.

QuoteEven if the shopper never pays, the order is still present in the back end and affects the available stock.
Yes it is true, the orders must be manually processed.

QuoteIt seems to me that it either shouldn't be created or should be automatically removed at some point after it's not confirmed, although I don't know how that would happen.
They must be created before the client is redirected to Paypal. They are not deleted when the client closes the paypal window. In that case, Vm do not get notification from Paypal, it is the reason why they are not removed.


I understand you but I think a costumer should can pay a pending order. So, I would like to create a link from a pending order to go to Paypal and pay the order.  I would like to create something like this that works fine:

<a href="'.JRoute::_( "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=orders&task=edit&virtuemart_order_id=".$row->virtuemart_order_id ).'">'.'Confirm order'.'</a>

Could you help me?

Thanks a lot!

Sorry, but my English isnĀ“t good... :(