Problem Call for price and Zero Price 2.0.6

Started by lipes, April 15, 2012, 18:54:39 PM

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Hi. I'm using version 2.0.6
1) In Product Price BE i'am testing to insert/change price value with "0" but inserting "0" doesnt work ... We need to insert "0.00" .. but dont know why VM2 dont assume automatic the "0" -> "0.0000" :S

In the Product Details page I can see the <a class="ask-a-question bold" href="">Call for price</a>
But in Module Featured Products (mod_virtuemart_product) we cant see that "Call for Price" only display the Product Name + Product Image + the "add to cart" items ...

2) "Ask A Question" is the same that "Call for price" so...
if we have disabled in the' Configuration' > 'Shopfront' > 'Core Settings' > 'Show the Ask a question link?' [NO] /index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=config
Why the Call for price is working with the same popup than 'Ask A Question' ? Its possible to disable that too? Or have less Spam because we cant insert Captcha on that ... If Captcha was in Ask a question page will be much better..

3) found a Style problem in "Ask a question about this product"  the close image "X" -> <- its over the scroll bar..
<a href="#" class="close"></a>
why not change to this one:

VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25