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Help with combined shipping rates

Started by mednickm, April 13, 2012, 20:20:02 PM

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Hi there,

I'm having issues getting combined shipping rates to work in the Fedex module.  Running fedex 2011.04.19 and VM 1.1.9. joomla 1.5.20.

I sell 15 products (6 bikes) and the accessories.  The bikes cost say $12 to ship and the accessories should cost say $6 dollars or can usually just be thrown into the bike box.

Scenerio 1:
1 bike ordered (product shipped separately) shipping comes to $13
1 accessory (stand), combined shipping is $26.  I've reviewed the dimensions and weight and they are correct.
shipping should be a tad over $13.

scenerio 2:
1 bike ordered (product does not ship separately), shipping is $13
1 accessory, combined shipping is $16 which is fine.

scenerio 3:
2 bikes ordered (same colour same product) (product ships seperately), shipping is $18 which is too low.
How do I get the shipping rate to be correct.  Product dimensions for bike are 65x15x30, weight is 4.4kg. 

scenerio 4:
2 bikes ordered (different colours) (product ships seperately), shipping is $26 which is about right. But if I add an accessory, shipping rate is too high.
How do I get the shipping rate to be correct.  Product dimensions for bike are 65x15x30, weight is 4.4kg.

At this point,  I don't want to lose money on shipping if 2 bikes are ordered so I set the product to ship separately but it's not fair if someone ordered a simple bell or bike stand.
Thanks for your help.