Configuring shipping rates for ALL contries (with some exception)

Started by iDanny, February 08, 2012, 22:21:21 PM

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When configuring a shipping method, we need to select a country.

Is there a way to specify ALL countries other then individually selecting every one ?

My goal is to create 3 shipping rules:

1 for Quebec (I'll use postal code ranges for this)
1 for Canada (I'll use postal code ranges for this)
1 for International (I'd like to specify all countries here but wow, that's a lot of clicking ...)



Did you find a solution? I'm getting repetitive strain injury from all the clicking!

This definitely should be built in, it's silly to have to do over 1000 clicks! I'm trying to have one shipping price for Australia and one for the rest of the world...

Bruce Morgan

I have something similar for VM 1.1.9 and would like to see something equivalent for 20.  I need three rastes for 1. domestic (USA), 2. Canada/Mecico, and 3. everywhere else.   simple table based on order value would be fine but based on weight would be fine too.  Anybody?




1 for Quebec (I'll use postal code ranges for this)
1 for Canada (I'll use postal code ranges for this)
1 for International (I'd like to specify all countries here but wow, that's a lot of clicking ...)
Create 3 shipment methods, and you must use the country parameter.
For the international, Yes I agree, it is a lot of of click,.. boring :(. We will try to find a good solution for that.

Bruce Morgan

I did what you suggested.  Very tedious all the way around.  It would be great if some of the 1.1.x shipping modules could be integrated into 2.0.  Most important would be an option to "select all" for countries and then be able to de-select thos countries that would fit under a different shipping rate scheme.  Another idea would be the ability to clone a rate much like in VM product admin.  Better yet it would be helpful to be abl to configure multiple rates under a single configurations screen.

I guess the good news is that what you have is functional.  Thanks.



I can suggest one hack for now:
1. Create shipment method for all countries except one for one weight interval. (Let's it be 0-50g).
2. Create shipment for other weight intervals with only one (not really matter what) country.
3. Connect to your database with SQL client. Manually copy countries list from filled entry to all others.



Meanwhile we find a better solution, here is the way i do it
1) rename the file
to something like

2) go to your shipement method, and use the classical select all
3) save it
4) rename the file to his original name chosen.jquery.min.js

Then you can remove also the countries you don't want.


I found a slightly fast way, when you pick country for currencies/shipping, Click in the Box, then tap the right arrow on the keyboard, and hit enter, do this rapidly and they only take a few great... :o


Quote from: iDanny on February 08, 2012, 22:21:21 PM
1 for Quebec (I'll use postal code ranges for this)
1 for Canada (I'll use postal code ranges for this)

Did this process work for you? I couldn't seem to get Canadian postal code rangers to work..