.json Download Link for virtual products shipment ***sOLVED***

Started by jeanmarat, July 03, 2012, 14:18:04 PM

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I paid and downloaded http://extensions.virtuemart.net/extensions-virtuemart-2/shipment-for-virtual-products-detail I followed the instructions after uploading an mp3 and made a test purchase.

It seems i get a download link of a file vmcustom-.json instead of my attached mp3.

What seems to be the problem ?

Thanks in advance.


In almost any case it is a wrong safepath. You can add an .html to the vmcust-.json and you will see the error message, I think it is "file not found".

Be aware it must be a path of your server. Delete the path in the config to see the message, with the suggested path. The suggested path is always parallel to your joomla path,...
for example you get /home/mydomain/vmfiles, then your joomla is assumedly in /home/mydomain/public_html. Be aware this are just examples.
Be aware we talk about paths! not urls. A common path on a windows machine would look like that c:\xampp\apache\htdocs\

Using 2.0.8 helps also, because it adds automatically missing ending / and you can move your page to another server, change the path in the config and it should work again.
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