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Thoroughly confused about vendors

Started by bunglehaze, February 07, 2012, 12:03:45 PM

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I am still trying to figure how and why the vendor is setup in the way it is following my period of not getting any emails during 2.0.0. 

Because I was changing things around I found that in the db the vm_user tables did not show my user as a vendor but another of the store admins was set that way and was receiving emails, I used the "is vendor" "is not a vendor" buttons in vm backend which didnt change the table. Opening the table in phpmyadmin I changed the vendor 0 to 1 for myself and vice-versa for the other user.

Now if I go into the shop backend and click open shop the other user is still listed as the vendor with their details (and email) showing and not mine. I set myself as admin and them as storeadmin which is what it was originally and seem to be going round and round in ever confusing circles. Can someone please explain what permissions are supposed to mean for each of the admin and storeadmin and then follow up and let me know why a vendor set in the database is still not showing as a vendor on the site as this is just getting annoying now - I need to have the store emails delivered to me and not a co-worker having to forward them each time, print view in the BE is working and then broken from one subrelease to the next which means that when I dont get the emails I cant then print off an invoice - its all very disjointed and I kinda hoped that getting through these subreleases would be bringing more stability and less bugs rather than the reverse.


In order to fix the vendor issue I have had to go into the vmusers table and delete the coworker, for some reason my entry and their entry had the same customer number if that helps but were two seperate user ID's and totally different email addresses. As soon as I deleted them the vendor details switched back to me but obviously for most users who wont want to touch their db that is an odd way to have to fix things.


Ok, I am getting more frustrated by the second now.

I placed a test order, the order then produced my admin account as the same customer number as the other store admin so I figured I would delete their user account, setup a totally new account for them again and go from there. different email address, different username all totally different. Registered fine. Placed an order as them (they need to be able to check orders work etc when faults occur) - the vendor email came through to them again at the new email address I entered. In the backend I go into shop and the vendor information has gone from the ACTUAL vendor account (mine) to the newly setup account (theirs)

How is this actioned by VM2? It should not be this confusing that the store owner cannot get the vendor emails, that they can be removed from being the vendor or shop owner etc - it is just very very confusing.