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DPS Payment Module - NZ and Australia

Started by sampipe, February 08, 2006, 21:24:40 PM

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Are you using url in the config for DPS website? Also, check legacy plugin is enabled, I think I saw somewhere it needs to be turned on!

I finally have my site going and have submitted to the PCI Compliance team to get a merchant account approved so fingers crossed!



thanks for reminder, of course i forgot to enable the legacy plugin...
Now i got to the DPS website but now it says "An error has occurred. Please try again."

Any idea why?

I am also wondering about the pxaccess kit, did you install this? i have no idea how to run the DoGenerateRequest.

Good luck with your account and if you successful, please let me know how did you make it work!


Hmm.. not sure, where is it that you are receiving the error? (i.e. is it on the DPS website, or are you getting past the bit where you put your credit card details in and then getting the error when returning to your own website?)

I haven't heard of the pxaccess kit, so didn't install this. I only installed 5 files:, ps_dpsax_notify.php, ps_dpsax.php, ps_dpsax_config.php and checkout.dpsax_result.php which I got in a zip file somewhere further back along in this forum.

If all else fails you could try emailing the DPS team, and they were very helpful with my problems!


all this subject is hard to some pxpost at the begining change to pxaccess, sometimes pxpay, with many hack and the end what's the real the system work... like paypal go on the DPS site and back after, embedded form in the page or totally process from the virtuemart a bit lost in all this subject and files....
Try harder, one error today is the success of tomorrow


I agree, it has become is a long and convoluted subject.

Depending on whether you have your site hosted on a windows or unix server determines whether you use pxaccess or pxpay, pxacess is for unix, it is a "payment method" you install in virtuemart which takes the variables from the shopping cart across to the DPS website, which then accepts the buyers credit card and returns them to your website with a notification on whether payment was successful or not.


my test is working ok but when transaction is accepted...go back to my site...
give me, thank for your purchase..and link to details...

if i click to link to detail it bring me back to paymenet express the account maintenance Order Information view lead me to payment express again..and my transaction still in process...

got that in my module extra info

<!-- *************** START CODE SNIPPET *************** -->


// code for module
include( CLASSPATH."payment/" );

$request = new PxPayRequest();

$txnType "Purchase";

$order_total $db->f("order_total");
$order_id $db->f("order_id");
$script_url $mosConfig_live_site.'/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/ps_dpsax_notify.php';

#Set up PxPayRequest Object
$request->setAmountInput$order_total );
$request->setTxnType$txnType );
$request->setInputCurrency$currency );
$request->setMerchantReference$order_id );
$request->setUrlFail$script_url );
$request->setUrlSuccess$script_url );

#Call makeResponse of PxAccess object to obtain the 3-DES encrypted payment request 
$request_string $pxaccess->makeRequest$request );

echo '<h3>DEBUG MODE ON</h3>';
echo '<table width="100%" border="1">';
echo '<tr><td colspan="2">The following shows the form fields that will be sumbitted to DPS in the request 
string. Turn debug off to be autoforward.</td></tr>'

echo '<tr><td>currency: </td><td>'.$currency.'</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>order_total: </td><td>'.$order_total.'</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>order_id: </td><td>'.$order_id.'</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>txnType: </td><td>'.$txnType.'</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>Created Request URL: </td><td>'.$request_string.'</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';

echo '<div style="text-align:left;"><a href="'.$request_string.'" title="CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE TO DPS">CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE TO DPS</a></div>';
header"Location: $request_string);


<!-- *************** END CODE SNIPPET *************** -->

any idea....
Try harder, one error today is the success of tomorrow


Hey All...

Been about 6 years since I've played with this but due to the increasing number of queries I get I finally have got around to updating the DPS module for latest joomla/virtuemart and PXPay.

See new post at

Hope this helps some peeps out there.


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