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Force the virtuemart stores language to paypal

Started by river, September 05, 2009, 23:56:28 PM

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My online store has Norwegian language with Norwegian costumers. I am using the Virtuemart 1.1.3 Paypal payment solution.

The problem is when the costumers are redirect to the Paypal Payment site the laguage is in US. How can I force the laguage to be in Norwegian, what html codes do I have to implement in the joomla back-end/virtumeart -> store -> payment methods -> paypal -> configurations?

I know that the code should look something like this...
<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="NO">
<input type="hidden" name="country" value="NO">
Please anyone help? I know that there are a lot of people out there with the same problem

Rivers =)



Also have the same problem.
Anyone have the solution for this?


Francesco (zanardi)
@gibilogic on Twitter