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VM 1.1 and SecurityImages - CAPTCHA for VM

Started by aravot, September 08, 2007, 04:02:47 AM

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According to this post by Soeren, VM 1.1 should be compatible with SecurityImages, Walter has made the necessary changes to  SecurityImages 4.2.0 to make it VM 1.1 compatible however I don't see any CAPTCHA option using Joomla 1.0.12, VM 1.1 r928, my question has SecurityImages compatibility changes been implemented in VM 1.1?


The integration of Security Images is very easy.
On the form you need to secure, just add

if(file_exists($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/administrator/components/com_securityimages/config.securityimages.php')) {


$packageName = 'securityimage_XX-PAGENAME';

echo "<tr><td>".getSecurityImageTextHeader()." *</td><td>" .insertSecurityImage($packageName)."<br/>" .getSecurityImageTextHelp() .getSecurityImageField($packageName)."</td></tr>";


That's all. Maybe we should check if Security Images is enabled globally and only show the CAPTCHA if it is enabled...

ciao, Sören
The future of eCommerce: VirtueMart & Joomla!


I've been trying to find the file that needs to be edited, to add the secureimages to the VM user registration. Can someone please tell me what the file is to edit.

Thanks in advance, Jase



I have checked this. Captcha will be shown on the reg. form, but nothing happens. Even if I don't fill it out I will be directed to the checkout page.


VM svn rev 965


Quote from: Patrik  Bernhard on October 02, 2007, 14:53:12 PM
I have checked this. Captcha will be shown on the reg. form, but nothing happens. Even if I don't fill it out I will be directed to the checkout page.

Confirmed but don't know if it is VM issue or SI


The product inquiry form doesn't have a captcha yet.  So here's how I did it:
0.  Back up everything.
1.  I installed a component that would provide a failpage with a link back to the product, given the right options. Install (attatched).
2.  Put the following code in the ask form, which will either be in your flypage (components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/product_details/whateverflypageyourusing.tpl.php) or shop.ask.tpl.php (components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/pages/shop.ask.tpl.php).
<? if (file_exists($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/administrator/components/com_securityimages/client.php')) {
include ($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/administrator/components/com_securityimages/client.php');
// Note that this package name must be used on the validation side too! If both are not equal, validation will fail
$packageName = 'securityVMRegistrationCheck';
echo insertSecurityImage($packageName);
echo getSecurityImageText($packageName);
else if (file_exists($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/plugins/system/securityimages.php')) {
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".JURI :: root()."/components/com_securityimages/js/securityImages.js\"></script>";
echo "<img id='captchaSecurityImages' name='captchaSecurityImages' src=\"".JURI :: root()."/index.php?option=com_securityimages&task=displayCaptcha\" />";
echo "<a href=\"javascript:askNewSecurityImages('captchaSecurityImages');\">";
echo "<img src=\"".JURI :: root()."/components/com_securityimages/buttons/reload.gif\" id=\"securityImagesContactCaptchaReload\" name=\"securityImagesContactCaptchaReload\" border=\"0\">";
echo "</a>";
echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"securityVMRegistrationCheck_try\" />";

3. Back up your old ps_communications.php (administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_communications.php)
4. Put in the new ps_communications.php (attached) or, if your old one is modified for some reason observe the changes and make them to your old one.

P.S.  everything attached is zipped into one attachement.  ALSO the ps_communications.php file provided will not work with an unmodified inquiry form.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Well, after spending hours and hours combing through the docs and forums I finally found this really well hidden little gem:

As it turns out Virtuemart 1.13 has Security Images support built in.

Apparently Security Images 4x is for Joomla 1.0 and SI 5x is for 1.5.

Why this is so hidden away is a mystery. I can find no info on the Virtuemart site. If you can then please post it here for everybody.

It is working for me now (well, with a few problems but it is fixing the SPAM problem).


Bruce Morgan

I tried using the Walter Cedric Solution and the field type "captcha field....." wasx not among the items in the drop down list.  Did I somehow miss these files during the numerous updates I have made to VM?  Where are the files located?  Would love to implement this.  Can anyone help?


Bruce Morgan

My prblems was that I had not installed the custom plug in.  I was under the impression that is was already built in to Joomla or VM.  I was able to set up the custom filed but then I started receiving emails that customers were unable to register at my site so I disabled it.  Will try and figure this out later.



Hey Bruce
It is VM that is prepared for Secirity Images by being able to create a vm_captcha field. But as you fond out the Security Images extension has to be installed as well.
You should be almost there.



my VM 1.1.4 with J! 1.5.15 and SI 5.1.2 seems to be working (the captcha image appears on registration, reminder, etc... but i've yet to try it out).

i can't figure out how to introduce the captcha on the module vm_login though!

i've applied the same patch supplied by  Walter Cedric for the standard J! login module, but it has no effect.

has anyone got any idea? it seems a shame to have gone all the length to integrate SI into VM just to leave out the modules! i bet there's a solution...


If possible could you help me - I'm running joomla 1.5.15 with VM 1.1.3 and SI 5.1.2. I installed security images and I created a user field in vm called captcha put it at the bottom of my registration form and it appears but without any captcha image - Any ideas? the plugin is enabled
It looks like it should appear based on ps_userfield.php but nothing



QuoteI'm running If possible could you help me - I'm running joomla 1.5.15 with VM 1.1.3 and SI 5.1.2. I installed security images and I created a user field in vm called captcha put it at the bottom of my registration form and it appears but without any captcha image - Any ideas? the plugin is enabled
It looks like it should appear based on ps_userfield.php but nothing


I'm using Joomla 1.5.15 with VM 1.1.4 and SI 1.5.X.V01.03.00 and we don't have VM enquiry page support from SI. Any help here???