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How secure is VM when compared to other carts?

Started by estreet, February 08, 2010, 23:44:00 PM

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I had a client ask me today how secure VM is compared to other LAMP carts and I have been looking for information but it seems scattered and I can't really find a direct answer to my question ...

The client is currently running ProStores and wants to move out of that software. I would prefer to use Virtuemart as I'm quite familiar with it, but they want some specific security information on it ... particularly in reference to PCI and standards compliance. They will be saving credit card numbers and then processing them manually.

Can someone point me in the direction of an article or posts on this particular topic? Like I said, I tried searching the forum but the most relevant posts I found were a couple years old and still not that specific on how secure the ability to save CC numbers is ... can someone help? or at least point me in the right direction?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.



This is a very old topic but there is no answer... Is there anyone who can answer this or provide me information about this question?


Search the forums for PCI compliance, it is more than just storing an encrypted card number!

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Thanks for reply, I will search it by this terms...


I would like to say that you can have whatever certificates you want and banks wants you to have, if a good hacker wants he can broke you no matter what ! Of course that dont mean that you dont have to care about security measures but only that dont take so seriously every bla bla bla of some carts that we have better security than...