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VM and Joomfish Beta 2

Started by patrik60, April 06, 2008, 18:42:59 PM

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After installing the new JoomFish Beta 2.0 VirtueMart (rev 1353) changes into English, no chance to get it back into German. It normally workes in all languages, depending which language is selected by default in the language manager.
Does anybody have experiences with the new Joomfish and VM?


I have made some tests with VM rev 1367 and Joomfish 2 Beta:

  • After installing Joomfish VM appears only in english
    When ordering an article and filling in the form I get the following message: Registration Complete! Info: You are not a Registered Customer yet. Please provide your Billing Information. I have to fill in the form again.
    On the thank you page I get the following error message: No valid database connection (But the order is complete and correct)
    I can delete a user in the backend, but he is still in the database. I have to delete him there also.
    If I don't use the default language on my site, using Joomfish, I get the following error message after filling in the form: Fatal error: Class 'ContentObject' not found in /home/thepanya/public_html/joomla2/plugins/system/jfdatabase/jfdatabase_inherit.php on line 189
    The Account Maintenance is also visible after logging out. It stays visible than forever. (This was also a bug in VM which was resolved in rev 1367)

I post this here because may be some solutions could be found also in VM though I think most of the problems are in Joomfish.



VirtueMart language file structure has changed, someone needs to create a new ViruteMart Joomfish Content Element file.


You mean files like e.g. vm_product.xml?

All language strings like e.g. "Add to Cart"  or "Order by" should change without using content element files.

There are not the content elemt files which need to be changed. Content element files are e.g. for translating store informations, order status, product or category descriptions.

b.t.w most of the old content element file work fine with the new joomfish.


Quote from: patbe60 on April 12, 2008, 01:19:46 AM
You mean files like e.g. vm_product.xml?

All language strings like e.g. "Add to Cart"  or "Order by" should change without using content element files.

These should change if it doesn't, I don't know why, I have not checked Joomfish 2.0

There are not the content elemt files which need to be changed. Content element files are e.g. for translating store informations, order status, product or category descriptions.

content element is needed for these


After reinstalling Joomla 1.5.2, VM rev 1372 and Joomfish 2Beta I have found now the problem: As soon as legacy mode is on VM appears only in english. When legacy mode is of VM and Joomfish work fine together. When deinstalling Joomfish 2Beta everything works fine. (legacy mode is needed e.g. for Docman)



Thanks for the feedback, however I am not sure if all the current reported bugs will be fixed for release date or release date be pushed back.


Quote from: patbe60 on April 18, 2008, 14:30:38 PMAs soon as legacy mode is on VM appears only in english.
This is very possible. This last week I came across two different Joomla 1.5.x components which will only work in native mode, which is a problem if using other mods or components that require legacy. I am trying Remository instead of Docman for that very reason.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


QuoteAs soon as legacy mode is on VM appears only in english.

This only happens when Joomfish is installed and legacy mode is on! It's not a VM problem!

No problems with Joomfish and VM when legacy mode is off.

No problems with components, which need legacy mode, when Joomfish is not installed.

May be I need to avoid to use components which need legacy mode, as long as I use Joomfish (and I need this component).


I am waiting for, currently available only to partners.

*** wondering how much I have to donate to become a partner to get my hands on it.


Quote from: patbe60 on April 18, 2008, 14:30:38 PM
After reinstalling Joomla 1.5.2, VM rev 1372 and Joomfish 2Beta I have found now the problem: As soon as legacy mode is on VM appears only in english. When legacy mode is of VM and Joomfish work fine together. When deinstalling Joomfish 2Beta everything works fine. (legacy mode is needed e.g. for Docman)

I have the same problem. I need System Legacy ON form my template. I don't know how to change whole template to 1.5 with all addes functions etc.
I succeeded in changing the template to 1.5, turned System Legacy OFF and everythning works fine :D