Paypal Standard - No change of status and no email send after paiement

Started by cat1910, July 26, 2023, 10:41:56 AM

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I just migrated a website from joomla 3 / VM 3 to joomla 4.3.3 / VM4.0.22.
I tested the paiement with the paypal standard plugin.

The paiement is ok with paypal, but nothing happens then on the site :
- status of the command stays to "pending"
- no email is send either to the vendor or to the buyer.

Same thing with the PayPal Checkout SSC plugin.

Everything works fine on the original website Joomla 3 / VM3.

Anyone has an idea about that ?


I have same issue, seemed to start 26/27 July 23 Payment goes through ok at paypal but does not change order status to confirmed or send email in Virtuemart.