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Manufacturer menu button View all product not working.

Started by Darko F., July 24, 2023, 10:32:57 AM

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Darko F.

Hi all

The currently installed Joomla! version is 4.3.3
VirtueMart 4.0.22 10864

When you create manufacturer menu - Manufacturer Default Layout

Then Button - View all [manifacturer] Products Stop working.

Button stop working on manufacturer menu level, and also on individual product level.

After you disable this menu item,  then button on product details working correctly and you get  list of all manufacturers products.

Is there any solution for this?
There in no problem if you fall. Problem is if you don't get up


Also, when you use the search filter in the admin, it will only show the results of the search on the front-end as well. As soon as you clear the search in the back-end, it shows all again. Something not right there.

Studio 42

Hi Roderic
Have you enable sharing  joomla session admin and front-end in your Joomla config ?
This can be the problem


Quote from: Studio 42 on July 25, 2023, 10:07:04 AM
Hi Roderic
Have you enable sharing  joomla session admin and front-end in your Joomla config ?
This can be the problem

Yes, this is enabled. I just tried it with this option disabled and the "problem" was solved. Then re-enabled it, checked in another browser and it's only a problem for the logged-in admin in the same browser.