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VM tranlation - Can someone explain???

Started by Hardus1, February 06, 2020, 09:37:15 AM

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Hello everyone,,
I just spent a bit of time trying to figure out a couple of things on my virtuemart.
I set up language content and all ok. The site is both is Danish and French. It seems to be ok in Danish but not in French??? The French part is falling back on the english version while the rest of the site is turning to french. That's problem one.
I tried to set up my configuration so the Language setting  is set to French and Danish. If I do that, my product listing is not showing anymore on my back office and it gives me a error 404 on the public site if I try to see single products...
Which leads me to the second question : How do I set up this thing so I can have a translated version of my products and categories depending on which language you choose. There seems to be a language selector somewhere but i just can't find it.
Thanks a lot.
The site is actually on demo at
Thanks for looking it up.

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If you modify site from english to french then you have to reenter the french translations for all your shop.
Using my tool Vm Be pro, you can batch copy from one language to another the products
Si you should not remove English but add French, use Vm be Pro to copy the product and after only remove the english in multilangual shop to not loose the datas.