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back to shop button

Started by gcap, September 23, 2018, 08:39:54 AM

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Hi Again

I need a way for folks to get back to the shop home page once they are in a category. I know this is simple for you experts but I am really struggling to see how i would do it.

Basically I would need a button at the bottom of the page showing the products so customers can navigate back to the categories listed on the shop main page with them having to use the main menu at the top of the page

GJC Web Design

something like

<div id="back_home_but">
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart'); ?>" class="button btn btn-default"><?php echo vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_SHOP_HOME'); ?></a>

in your category default.php over ride
GJC Web Design
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