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BBC email for use Trustpilot

Started by Webgraphs, May 31, 2017, 11:55:26 AM

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I am looking for an option to send BCC email to Trustpilot after a customer has ordered something. I found this topic:

I tested this and it works but is far from perfect in use.

We want to use the BBC option to send an email to Trustpilot. So Trustpilot sends a review request after "x" days. Thing is, in the above solution a BCC email is send on every action / status change.  Confirmed order, shipped etc. This means Trustpilot will send lots of review requests to the same customer. We would prefer BCC email was only send to Trustpilot once f.e when order is confirmed by customer and / or confirmed. Else we will spam the customer with review requests, tested this. Is it possible to use solution from above but build in a check state ( confirmed, confirmed by shopper )

Or has somebody a different solution to use Trustpilot well on a VM3 shop? On VM2 we used Interamind Email Manager Plus but cannot find such software now.

Before I forget. I added the Trustpilot code in the html email footer ( template overwrite ). Our shop uses 3 languages. I load the Trustpilot code through the language files. That works for Trustpilot to pick the right ( language ) template.

We are using Joomla 3.6.5 and VM 3.0.18, does anybody have an idea about this? Thank you in advance for your help.

Kind regards,


VM3.2.3 has the configuration option to add "Additional vendor email addresses", so assuming you have Default Order Status to send email to vendor set only to confirmed then you would send mail to the vendor and to Trust Pilot just once.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Thanks Kelvyn,

This sounds like a solution to me. So far I did not update VM and / or Joomla as I do not know if everything works well with our template used. That is something I need to test first then. Let's hope so, then this is a perfect solution for my problem.
Thanks again for your answer. Much appreciated!


Now I think about it, I think this will also not work. The thing is Trustpilot needs to capture the customers email address, so it needs to be a BCC from the customers email else the wrong email address is captured and the vendor email would get the request. Or am I wrong?


I have never had dealings with Trust Pilot. In the vendor's copy of the mail the reply-to address is filled by that of the shopper. Would that not work?
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Sorry for the late reply Kelvyn, thanks for mentioning this. If the customers email address is in the reply-to address instead of the system email address and is only send once after ordering, this should work indeed. I go test it, thanks again.


Hi All,

I have the same issue, and also used Interamind Email Manager Plus, but that has been discontinued and as such no longer works with VM.
Has VM 3.2.3 been placed in general release yet? It looks as VM3.2.2 is the current version - which i am using.

If VM3.2.3 has yet to be released, do you have a probable release date?

Many thanks,


There is a 3.2.3 version to try in  - still in development, although there are no issues that affect my use of this version.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Many thanks Kelvyn for the clarification. I will hold for the general release as I dont wish to run a Dev version on a live site just in case I have an issue.


Studio 42

You can now use this plugin : sending the mail for you at any order state.
You can use it for old orders too.