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SOLVED: Captcha VM Registration (Seems a common problem?)

Started by keora, February 22, 2017, 12:58:41 PM

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Hi Folks!

The captcha/recaptcha is not showing on the registration form. It's showing in Joomla-Registration but not in VM-Registration:

I contacted the provider for the template and they told me, that the configuration is correct, but the captcha is also not shown on a standard template like Protostar and therefore is not the problem of the template itself.

I am using VM 3.0.18 and Joomla 3.6.5.

I tried to search through this forum and apparently that is a common problem, but couldn't find any solutions. A lot of thread didn't even get one reply. Maybe I missed one, where there is a solution?

I got hammered by spambots that create fake accounts which is really annoying.

Does anybody have any experience and suggestions?

Thanks! :D

Best regards,


I assume you have "Use ReCaptcha for Registration" selected in VM configuration/shop?

The image is from my VM3.0.19.6 test site with default VM templates.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Studio 42


Hi Folks!

Yeah I use captcha, recaptcha, but I found a solution.

I had Version 1.0 going in the plugin and it wasn't shown. After I switched it to Version 2.0 everything's fine. It shows and works!

As long as the spambots won't bother me anymore, I am fine!

Thanks for the help!