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Calculate VAT - EU / not EU - private customers - fixed final price

Started by michel777, October 29, 2016, 11:00:45 AM

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which parameters and how to be set for following rules:

1) The final price  is the same (199 €)  for all countries in the world
2) VAT = 19 % for EU - Shipping address , VAT = 0% for the rest
3) Selling: without registration


Costprice: ??? Currency: EUR
Base price:  Rules: ???
Final price: 199 EUR Rules: ???
Override: ??? Calculate the Cost price: NO
Disabled / Overwrite final / Overwrite price to be taxed ???

Joomla & Co:

Joomla:          Joomla! 3.4.8 Stable [ Ember ] 24-December-2015 19:30 GMT
PHP Version:   5.6.27-he.0
Virtuemart:     Release of 3.0.18
Gelolocator:    1.0.4
Euvatchecker: 1.2.6
Vmmoss:        1.0.2

Thanks a lot in advance !




2 and 3 solved (see below). But what about 1) ?

1) The final price  is the same (199 €)  for all countries in the world
2) VAT = 19 % for EU - Shipping address , VAT = 0% for the rest
3) Selling: without registration

Tax & calculation Rule:

Rule "VAT for EU"
Ordering 0:
Type of Arithmetic Oparation: +%
Value 19.0000
Currency: Euro
Country: list of EU countries

Rule "VAT for the rest"
Ordering 1:
Type of Arithmetic Oparation: +%
Value 0.0000
Currency: Euro
Country: empty

Product Paramters:

Costprice: 167.11689 Currency: EUR
Base price: 167.22689  Rules: VAT for EU
Final price: 199 EUR Rules: Apply generic rules
Override: 0 Calculate the Cost price: NO
Disabled X / Overwrite final / Overwrite price to be taxed