Existing Language Key are in english for foreign language !

Started by Studio 42, April 27, 2016, 15:51:44 PM

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Studio 42

I don't understand why all this language mix in Vrtuemart.
If i don't delete the admin language files, many keys are translated in english and not French.
All key exist and are valid in French and it work perfectly on removing all English Virtuemart .ini files!
VM 3.0.14 Joomla 3.5.0, default langue French in Back and front-end.


Check French language files for errors. Single missing " can break the whole file.

Studio 42

Quote from: Studio 42 on April 27, 2016, 15:51:44 PM
All key exist and are valid in French and it work perfectly on removing all English Virtuemart .ini files!


Does it work when you disable "Use english as fallback for untranslated strings"? I had same issue with some 3.x version, but recent releases fixed it for me. I also had some similar issues caused with older 3rd party VM plugins (e.g. OPC).

Studio 42

No plugin used in all, only one for customfields and standard payment and shipment, but this not load VM language files.
I think, it's a core problem,i have tested on another default Jommla+vm install and Have same troubles.


Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?

Studio 42

I don't think the problem come from here.
The languages ini files are all valid and removing the english solve it, in other case i had the key replacing the translations if the ini is bad.
The language default is french, but english are active too but not used, as if the english get loaded after and overide default in some case but this should be inverted, so french should overide english.
I used the language file from pack and tested with alatak(valerie) french pack too with same problem.
The problem is perhaps only in vmText, i don't checked to use standard Joomla Jtext if it work correctly, but for now the problem is solved for my customer, i don't have time for now to investigate more, but perhaps some other user have this problem and don't understand why they have some english but key exist and is valid.