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State Dropdown NGINX (rewite issue) index.php

Started by datagroove, September 29, 2014, 04:16:00 AM

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With "Search Engine Friendly URLs" and "Use URL rewriting" both set to NO, the checkout state dropdown works, However if I set them to yes, and it does not work.

Looking at the console log, i see a 404 for the call to

I am using NGINX with a suggested nginx configs for joomla:

if i call that url in the browser I get a 404, BUT if i remove the index.php from the url it works!

Question: I either need to edit the source code (not ideal) and remove the index.php from the AJAX request url, OR come up with a better NGINX config. Any suggestions?

Virtuamart  2.6.10
Joomla 2.5.19


as a temporary fix, i edited the vmsite.js file, line 40 (removing index.php)

$.getJSON('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=state&format=json&virtuemart_country_id=' + byAjax,

$.getJSON('?option=com_virtuemart&view=state&format=json&virtuemart_country_id=' + byAjax,


location /component/virtuemart/user/index.php {
                if ($http_x_requested_with = XMLHttpRequest) {
                        rewrite ^(.*)/\index.php(.*)$ $1$2 last;