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Shopper email: "Your order password"

Started by icarust, December 09, 2015, 22:21:02 PM

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I've been looking for a way to edit the shopper email, to delete "Your Order Password".  Please see the attached screenshot.

Does anyone know how to remove this?

Thank you!


Make a template override for components/com_virtuemart/views/invoice/tmpl/mail_html_shopper.php
<?php echo vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SHOPPER_YOUR_PASSWORD'); ?><br />
      <strong><?php echo $this->orderDetails['details']['BT']->order_pass ?></strong>
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jenkinhill - thank you so much for your reply!  I forgot I had asked this question last month before the holidays...and am only now getting back to this.  I'm not sure I made a "template override" because I'm very new to this. What I did do was delete the following text from the mail_html_shopper.php file, per your response, using FTP. 

<?php echo vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SHOPPER_YOUR_PASSWORD'); ?><br />
      <strong><?php echo $this->orderDetails['details']['BT']->order_pass ?></strong>

Using FileZilla, I downloaded the mail_html_shopper.php file (from components/com_virtuemart/views/invoice/tmpl).  I deleted the above text, and then uploaded the edited file back to it's original location.

Did a test buy and, unfortunately, "Your order password" (with randomly generated password) is still there in the shopper email.

Did I do something wrong?
Your advice is very much appreciated!

Joomla! 3.4.8
VirtueMart 3.0.12

GJC Web Design

have you over rides?

look if   templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/com_virtuemart/invoice/mail_html_shopper.php exists and edit that
GJC Web Design
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GJC Web Design - Thank you very much!  That worked and now "your order password" is now gone from the shopper email.

Unfortunately, it also removed some important text from the "thank you for your order" page.  The following are now gone: "Total Amount", "PayPal Transaction ID", and the "View your order" link.  I've attached screenshots of that page before and after deleting the text jenkinhill references above.

Looking at the deleted code, I'm now sure how to bring that information back, without also bringing back the "your order password" in the shopper email...

Any additional advice, as always, is greatly appreciated.

GJC Web Design

your templates are not standard..  so nigh impossible to advise

On a standard VM template removing that line would only remove the password and label.. so...   :(

you need to study the code you have -- but confused to how it could even effect this order_done.php view

The info you refer to comes from the payment plugin $html normally
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers
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GJC Web Design - Thanks again for such a quick and helpful reply.  It gives me much information to think about and follow up on.  I'll do some digging. Kind regards.