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Add parameter to Paypal / Checkout Button

Started by Za42, January 28, 2016, 10:01:57 AM

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Hello all,

Joomla 3.4.3, VM

I am using Paypal Express Checkout, and am trying to have my cutomers land on the Pay with Credit Card option.

Before anyone interjects, this is possible, and Paypal themselves have confirmed this with me, and even made a button for me which connects directly to the CC Landing Page, as desired.

They said in order to do this though, I need to add the following parameter;

<input type="hidden" name="landing_page" value="Billing">

Where and how do I implement this? This will be of great use to me, and through hours of searching would seem to help a number of other people also!

Best regards and once again thanks for all and any help

GJC Web Design

where the vars are collected/formed for the paypal post or form

probably somewhere in plugins\vmpayment\paypal\paypal\helpers\paypalexp.php but have never used Express

GJC Web Design
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Ok, that's where I was looking, but not sure where in the php file to place the code.

If it resolves it I'd happily change to another solution- what layout is best in your opinion?


Note PayPal have a new style of Login Page in which setting the

"Landing Page" to Billing may not be effective.

At the moment it seems entirely random which version you will be shown.

So this may or may not work for you.
Virtuemart Payment Plugins


SSC3, I tried this plugin, but it wouldn't work in the front-end. It kept saying no database file and would only create an error. Plus in the back-end I could not read any of the drop down menus since the box was smasher than the text string it contained...


I am not seeing those reports from elsewhere. It could be a template problem but without seeing it, it is difficult to tell.

But even so setting Landing Page to "Billing" can not be relied on.

Virtuemart Payment Plugins