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Problem with Error connecting to AuthorizeNet [SOLVED]

Started by rmurrieta, September 30, 2014, 00:13:18 AM

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The checkout on site (Joomla 2.5.25, VM 2.0.20, PHP 5.4.33) has suddenly stopped working.
It had been working with as the payment gateway for years, and it suddenly stopped working on sunday. The error happens after entering customer data and credit card information, when the checkout actually tries to perform the payment.
I've made tests using both the live and the test settings on both Virtuemart Payment Plugin and control panel. I've updated to VM 2.6.10 today, but the problem is still there.

The VM Error log shows this for each failed attempt:
2014-09-29 22:10:41 ERROR _sendRequest CURL error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
2014-09-29 22:10:41 ERROR _handleResponse: Error connecting to AuthorizeNet
Any advise?
I've reported it to the Dedicated server support.


The issue was not related to Virtuemart. It was related to a server upgrade performed by our hosting provider. It affected the SSL connection to external servers.
More details here:

The solution was to restart the server - not just Apache, but the server itself.