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Footer out of the page in product details pages

Started by fgonzo92, September 22, 2014, 12:33:47 PM

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Hi everyone,
first of all I apologize for my english and please help me, i'm new in the Forum.  :)
I have a problem.
In my products details pages only, the footer is out of the main div and it appears "out" of the page, with a white background instead of its classic background.
In the others Virtuemart pages there isn't this problem.
Can you help me to fix it?
Thank You.  :)

I attached two images to let you understand better what is happening.

[attachment cleanup by admin]

GJC Web Design

you give no versions or what template your using or a url - how could anyone help you except to say there must be a closing </div> missing ?
GJC Web Design
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